
497 39 0

April 19, 2016
Dear Taehyung,
Forgive me
If I find you beautiful
But know that I see you
Beyond your body,
And that I listen to
Your mind and am
Inspired by your spirit.
  Do you understand what you're doing to me? Do you understand the way you made me feel today. God, your eyes are so beautiful! What was that today? You stared at me in every single class we shared!
  Why were you staring at me? It made my heart race. Even when I met your gaze, you didn't look away. What was so interesting about me?
  Honestly, it scared me a bit. I thought maybe someone had told you something bad about me and you believed it. You didn't look happy or sad or like anything at all so I couldn't read your expression.
  God, you're handsome though. Not just handsome but very beautiful. You have really pretty eyes, pretty hair, a pretty body, just pretty everything.
  You're my first crush. I've never felt like this for anyone before (probably because our school's filled with dickheads). But you really just amaze me, you know?
        Park Jimin

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