'' well it's no big deal and you're welcome '' I replied sarcastically after closing the faucet and ready to take my leave.

'' What happened to you and Adrienne? '' she blurted out.

'' you seemed so close before and now it's like it's over, maybe she doesn't need your help anymore and find your company a boring one '' she chuckled in a bitch way like what she's potraying to.

'' or maybe she plainly doesn't like you, right!!'' She added clasping both of her hands infront darting me her fierced look.

'' Look keana I don't know what's your problem but look it's not your call to whom I'm going with or whoever out there doesn't want to be with me and please do me a favor just keep your mouth shut if you don't have important matter to say infront of me, get it?? ''

'' okay '' she mouthed giving me her trademark but most annoying wink I've seen ever even in the history of winking.

whuuut??? grrr okay never mind that.

With no more to add. I shook my head and left not glancing back at her. I hate that girl, she is the most hateful cousin of mine today. I don't know what's the matter why she hates me so bad.

We used to be friends before. I did love her, she was my bestfriend. We hang out with our other cousins until one day she had change of heart. I talked to her, asked her what's wrong but she didn't answer me with the real one, she just told me this.

'' because I don't want to be your friend anymore ''

Just that! what the heck right so fine I got tired of her and all the drama she's having and up to now we're not in good terms.

The bad thing is, she and Kaia becomes close. I mean yes Kaia was literally become friendly to everyone, she smiles and talk here and there not just to me anymore.

We're not also even seat mates, occasionally our teacher makes the sitting arragement different so you have a chance to be seated with others and make friends and you're lucky if you've got the chance to be near with your crush or the one you like, so before I liked it NO I MEAN I LOVED THE IDEA, you know to have some space with Aidan who are like always glued to me but now I think I hated it already 'cause Kaia was taken away from me and she's now beside Keana!


watch your language Skylar!

I was drowning with my thoughts when Hermonie appeared infront of me with her still sorry face.

I smiled to her and say

'' hey, it's okay now look '' pointing my now cleaned skirt.

'' like nothing's happened right? '' I make few more steps and hugged my bestfriend

'' I'm sorry. I was just you know-----''

'' not in the mood? '' she continue hugging me back.

'' Yes ''

we freed ourselves from the hug

'' I know something's up with you for the last 2 weeks. Aidan is worried and totally not in his ownself too, is there something wrong between the two of you?? '' she asked looking deeply into my eyes .

Cheating my Boyfriend with my Girlfriend (GxG story)  - COMPLETED  *UNEDITEDOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz