Black Out

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Third POV
You could see Zarkon's central command right in front of you.

"This is it" you said to yourself.

"We've gotta act fast. The power will only be down for 20 minuets. The Blade of Marmora schematics showed four targets we need to hit. The weapons systems, the engines, the bridge, and the shield generator." Shiro said.

You felt anxious, both in a happy way and a terrified way. One one hand you were about to defeat Zarkon, on the other, you had a chance of not defeating him and the entire universe remains how it's is for even longer.

"Now, lets put and end to Zarkon, once and for all." Shiro said.

You could hear each of the Paladins cheer from Shiro's words.
"Now, form sword!" Shiro yelled

Voltron flew up to Zarkon's ship and could feel Voltron shake a bit from the explosions that you were causing as you cut through the ship.

"Hit the engine systems!" Shiro yelled

Voltron continued to cut through the sides of the ship. You couldn't help but feel a bit of uneasiness, this whole thing started to feel a little too easy.

"Stay focused, we've neutralized the engines. Let's target the bridge." Shiro said.

You heard a noise come from below you, you all looked down to see a black orb that resembled a black hole, it had a purple glow to it.

"What the...quiznack?" You whispered
"What is that?" Lance asked

The orb then fired at you and lashed onto Voltron like some kind of snake, you all began screaming as you felt your life energy drain out of you, it felt like each of your limbs was being pulled in different directions and your skin felt like it was tightening around your bones and flesh, your organs felt like they were ripping them self in half. You felt everything go numb and your vision turned to black.

You didn't know how long you had passed out for, you began hearing screaming, at first it was muffled but then as the screaming continued you could make out your name being called.


You opened up your eyes and your vision began to clear up. Your body still felt weak.

"(Y/N)!" You recognized the voice as Keith's.

Everything that has happens before had all came back to you and you snapped back to reality.

"I'm...Alive, not in the best state, but alive, yay." You said weakly.

You heard Allura sigh
"You weren't responding, you scared us for a moment there." Coran said.
"Is Voltron operational?" Allura asked.

You grabbed your controls and tried to move your lion, but nothing worked.

"It's not working." Hunk said, his voice was weak and sounded like he was gonna cry but held it in.

"I can't move my lion." Keith said.
"Same here." You responded

"You've been hit with some kind of witchcraft that draws the quintessence out of you. You need to get out of there! Another blast like that and you may not survive!" Coran said.

"Wait. What's that?" Lance said. You looked up to see some kind of door that was slowly opening up. A large figure began to rise, the figures armor resembled Zarkon's armor.

Speaking of Zarkon...

Shiro began to groan before saying "Its Zarkon."

The armor then charged for Voltron, but so did the Castle.

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