The Rise of Voltron Final

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Your POV

Shiro begins telling the team the plan to sneak onto Sendek's ship and retrieved the white lion.
"The Galra empire knows about the Blue and Yellow lion, but they don't know we have the green lion too. Hunk lance you'll act as a decoy pretending to give yourself a up. While Sendek is distracted Keith, (Y/N), Pidge and I will sneak onto the ship in the Green Lion, Keith and I will find the Red lion while Pidge and  (Y/N) guard our exit. Hunk, Lance find some way to take down that Ion cannon." Lance and Hunk gave him a thumbs up while Pidge and Keith simply nodded. I just have him an agreeing smile.
Lance and Hunk went to their lions while Me Shiro, Pidge and Keith went to the Green Lion. We waited for lance and Hunk to leave first before we did so we didn't catch Sendek's attention. We flew past a few asteroids orbiting Arus and made our way to the bottom of the ship. When we exited the lion it was a lot harder to stay on the surface of the ship then predicted. It was our first time using jet packs...well minus Shiro. Pidge made a hole for us, Shiro went in first, then Pidge then Keith and Me. Keith noticed you were struggling a bit being in zero gravity and all that. You get him grab your arm and help you get inside the ship with ought bumping into anything and making a noise or possibly hurting yourself. Once we got in a room with gravity he let go of my arm and I was able to walk on my own.

Third POV

"Pidge what's your ETA" Lance asked Pidge. Lance was getting a little uneasy, a door just opened and they didn't know what to expect so he was hoping that Pidge was already inside so they could book it.
"We're in" Pidge responded as her mask disappears from her helmet.

Keith and Shiro made there way around the corner leading to a hallway that they found. The walls were made out of a dark metal and had magenta lights that lit up the hallway slightly giving the hallways a very unsettling vibe. The roof had purple lines that that stretched across the entire hallway. You looked at Shiro and noticed a sweat that slide down his cheek and his breathing started to turn to panting and groans could be heard escaping his lips.
"Are you okay Shiro...?" Worry could be heard through your voice.
"I've been here before. After I was taken by the Galra cruiser off Kerberos, They brought us here." Shiro said.
"So, that means your other crew members, they might be held captive here. We...we've got to rescue them." Pidge said.
"Pidge we don't have time. We have to get the Red lion and get back to Arus." Shiro told Pidge. He didn't seem happy with his deduction but you trusted that he knew what he was doing, Pidge on the other hand didn't.
"But we can't just leave prisoners here!" She shot back at Shiro.
"Look know one understands that more than me, but in war he have to make tough choices." Shiro said, Pidge's expression droped. "Now let's get moving." Shiro began to walk away, you followed him but looked back at Pidge and irises she wasn't following. You started speculating that Pidge was hiding something. She didn't know the other crew members on that mission, right. Why would she want to rescue someone when were in the middle of a mission? These thoughts were flying around inside your head and you were curious of why Pidge seemed so adamant on finding these other crew members. You finally decided to ask.
"Pidge, why do you want to rescue these crew members so badly?" You asked, Pidge's he's shot up and looked at you then looked back down. She took in a deep breath and final said "The other two on the Kerberos mission were Commander Holt and Matt Holt. Commander Holt is my father, he and my brother were on the Kerberos mission with Shiro."
"Commander Holt is your father?" Shiro asked Pidge again, he sounded uncertain if he heard Pidge correctly or not.
"Yes! I've been searching for him and my brother and I'm not going to give up when I'm this close. I won't!" She turned around about to leave but before you could stop her Shiro did for you. "I'm coming with you." He said, you looked back at him. This mission wasn't going as originally planed. Who was going to guard the entrance? Who was going to go with Keith to make sure he was safe and got his lion?
"What?" Keith said
"I remember where the prisoners were held. Keith take (Y/N) and find the Red lion." Shiro said
"Wait who's going to guard our exit?" You asked
"Well fins our way to the Green Lion once we get the prisoners on an escape pod, If anyone's there we'll just have to fight our way through. You and Keith will fly back to the castle in the red lion so-" Shiro was cut off by a door in another hallway opening. A light could be seen and you had to assume it was from some guards.
"Run" Shiro said, you grabbed Keith's wrist and ran down the hallway but you were blocked by a huge door. It had the Galra symbol on it which was glowing slightly. "Great now which way?" Keith said. You looked around to see id their were any signs that could lead to the Red Lion. As your eyes were scanning the entire area you noticed Keith looking directly at the Galra Symbol on the door. "Kei-" Again you were cut off by the sound of foot steps marching towards you, this time Keith grabbed your wrist and ran to the the hallway on the right of you two. You two kept on taking multiple turns right and left but in the end you ended up in the same hallway with the same door. Keith let out an annoyed groan, you were both sweaty and you didn't know how much more you could keep up like this without being caught. "You've got to be kidding me" Keith was getting tired and annoyed and you tried to calm him down. You placed a hand on his shoulder, he looked up at you "Keith calm down, take deep breaths, just try to connect with the red lion" you said to Keith. He did as you told him, he took a few deep breaths and you could here him whisper under his breath "patience's yields focus." He held his breaths for a split second but turned around with a smirk on his face "Gotcha" he began to run down the hallway with you following him.

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