Shiro's Escape

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Third POV
AN: Imma change things up a bit in this chapter, mainly just the scene where Ulaz breaks into the ship.

After Pidge and you rescued Keith and Shiro, you were able to find Lance and Hunk stranded at a mermaid planet.

Later you and Coran helped get a healing pod set up for Shiro. He had took quite a beating from some of the creatures that he was stranded with.

You were also placed in a healing pod. After the cloaked man burnt your neck and wounded your knee, you were definitely in need of healing.

You were all currently surrounding Shiro, he was moaning and groaning inside of the pod which concerned Hunk.

"Is he okay?" Hunk asked.

Allura turned towards Hunk "Sometimes the healing process can cause involuntary brain wave reactions." She said.

"He looks like he's having a bad dream." Hunk responded.

"I just hope it's not as bad as the one I had when the Castle went crazy." You added.

"He did get blasted by a space witch and mauled by giant lizards." Keith said.

"True." You responded.

After a few minuets of waiting for some kind of sign of Shiro waking up, you all noticed his eyes start to open up. Keith was the first one to be beside him in the healing pod.

When Shiro exited the pod he told the team he remembered how he escaped and that their were coordinates leading to a Galra rebel willing to help with taking down Zarkon.

Pidge has connected Shiro's arm to her computer to see if she could find the coordinates Shiro was talking about. Unfortunately she didn't find anything.

"I'm not finding any coordinates in here. Are you sure this wasn't just a dream?" Pidge asked.

"I'm positive. Someone helped me escape." Shiro responded.

"What was their name?" You asked.

"Ulaz, I believe." Shiro responded.

"And He was Galra?" Allura asked.

"Yes." Shiro responded

"You know you cannot trust them." Allura responded.

You felt some tension start to rise as she finished her sentence. You didn't like racism, you hated it actually. Yes, Allura had every right to not trust the Galra. But it seemed wrong to let Zarkon's actions define the Galra race as a whole.

"Your father must have trusted them once. Zarkon was the original Black paladin, wasn't he?" Shiro shot back.

You froze. You knew this moment would come eventually. But a part of you was hoping that you would tell them, and not have them figure it out and have to tell them.

"That was a long time ago." Allura responded

Lance looked at Allura shocked "Wait, what?"

"Didn't you see how he stole the Black lion right out from under Shiro? Or that he could do all that cool stuff with his Bayard? Shiros bayard? You know, the black one?" Keith said.

"Why didn't you just tell us the truth about Zarkon?" Shiro asked pissed.

"I wanted to protect you from the dark history of the Paladins, so that you would have a chance to bond with your lions on your own. You are the Black Paladin now, not Zarkon." Allura responded.

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