Crystal Venom

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⚠️Warning ⚠️
Slight graphic content and night terrors.

Third POV
While the other Paladins were off doing their own business you were in your room asleep. After all the days and nights you spent looking for the white lion, you finally get to rest. Sure you sleep once but your body still wasn't fully recharged yet.
Coran placed a circular device on the glass of a pod that was holding the Galra soldier Sendek in it.

He was worried that the plan of using the technology that keep Alfors memories on Sendek, wouldn't  work. "Okay, guys, Sendek's almost all hooked up. But, look, I have to warn you, this technology was used to keep Altean memories alive, not to interrogate prisoners." Coran said.

"Coran, we understand this isn't what the technology was meant for, but if we can extract Sendek's memories, we may gain valuable intelligence on Zarkon's troop location." Shiro said.

Lances eyes lit up "Yeah, and then we can just be like "Knock-Knock." "Who's there?" "The avenging fury of Vontrol son!"

Pidge places her hands on the glass container that Coran was typing on. "Fascinating. So, how exactly does this work?" Pidge asked.

"As the memories are extracted, there written bit by bit on individual molecules of the micro-storage strands." Coran replied.

Lance tilted his head and smirked "When I go, I want all the stuff in my brain stored in a giant ship."

Keith looked over at Lance annoyed as usual. "The amount of information in your brain can be stored in a paper airplane."

Lances eyes widened, he turned around at Keith "Oh yeah! Well the amount of information you have Keith could be-"

"Yeah?" Keith asked.

Lance looked up and went silent for a second. But then responded "Its less then what I have!" He shot back.

"Oh good one Lance!" Hunk said trying to make his friend feel almighty.

Keith turned to his left with an annoyed expression. He was so done with lances bull.

Shiro let out a disappointed sigh and looked down at the floor.

"So this is how you incorporated King Alfor's memories into the Castle of Lions?" Pidge asked while skipping around the pod.

Coran continued typing "Precisely, but it's never been attempted before on an unwilling participant." Coran then stepped back from the machine and all of them looked at Sendek's pod to see for any kind of reaction.

The only thing that happened was the pod that Coran was typing on glowed up and made a weird sound. It sounded like being underwater and listening to waves crash above you.

The Paladins looked confused and Coran even scratched the back of his head.

"Uh, is this what's supposedly be happening?" Hunk asked.

"Lets give it some time." Shiro said.

And they did. They gave the machine plenty of time. Sendek didn't budge, the Paladins started to get bored. Hunk even fell over after falling asleep.
(AN: Custom scene!)

"Okay Pidge truth or dare?" Lance asked.

"Truth." Pidge said as she hugged her knees.

"Where's the name Pidge come from?" Lance asked.

Pidge's looks up at Lance "My brother used to call me it. I didn't like it, but here I am." She said.

"Mullet! truth or dare?" Lance said.

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