The Rise of Voltron Part 2

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Third POV
You felt the feeling of coldness wisp away...your vision was blurry for a tick but came back. Allura noticed you awoke and ran to you to catch you before you hit the ground. You let out a tired groan and looked up to see Allura cradling you in her arms with a soft look.
"(Y/N)! Your okay!" She cries in excitement
"Allura..." you were still a little tired but we're still able to get back on your own feet. You look around you too see 5 others that you didn't recognize. A tall pale man with broad shoulders and a white highlight in his hair, another tall one with dark skin and a headband around his forehead, he had a look of confusion and wort in his eyes. A small one with short brown hair and glasses, you couldn't tell if they were a girl or a boy, there was also another tall male about the same height as Coran with light brown skin and a green jacket, and then there was a male next to him who had his arms crossed, he had a dark black mullet and a red jacket. You had to admit you found him quiet handsome. The other male with the green jacket walked over to you and grabbed your hand delicately and said in a flirty tone "Hey there gorgeous, I'm Lance~" as he was about to kiss your hand you pulled it away and looked at Allura. You looked back at the 6 others.
"Who...who are they!?" You were so confused, last thing you remember was watching your parents and Alfor fight Zarkon.
"Calm down (Y/N) these people aren't here to hurt us, the blue lion brought them here." She said in a soft calming tone. Wait what did she mean the blue lion brought them here?
"Why do they have the blue lion! What happens to Blaytz?!" You were even more confused Blaytz only a few moments ago sent the blue lion away, at least that's what you thought.....
"(Y/N)....the Paladins of old are gone" Allura said.
"WHAT?! But- wait- HOW-?!" You were on the verge of crying and Allura could tell. She cupped your hands and told you something that you couldn' refused to believe.
"(Y/N).....we've been asleep for 10,000 years." Allura said. No....she was lying....she had to be....this was just a stupid joke......
"Hehehe y-your joking....heHAHA t-that's really funny Allura, b-b-but it's- your not fooling me!" Allura escorted you to a computer in the middle of the room, you were shaking, praying that this was some stupid joke. You looked at the screen and couldn't believe your eyes...she wasn't lying. You looked at Allura, tears leaving your eyes. Everything you saw really happend, Alfor, Altea, your Mom and Dad, they were all gone. Allura strokes your hair holding you tight. You let go of her and walked to one of the steps near the cryopod and sat down while taking in all of...this.

After a few minutes of awkward silence coran walked over to Allura.
"Princess you must eat. It's been 10,000 years." Your heard worry in his voice.
"I'm not hungry." Allura responded
"Man 10,000 years. That's like 1,000 plus 10-" the boy with the green jacket said But was cut off by the other male with the red jacket.
"That's times 10." He said, man even his voice was very handsome.
"Whatever dropout." the other male sassed back.
"I haven't eaten sense breakfast and I'm starving!" The other male with the headband said.
"Yeah but you've thrown up like five times." The small one said
"Hmm good point" the male them began booming down on some Altein goo. His expression was changing from disgusted to hunger.
"I can't believe your civilization created such advanced technology 10,000 years ago." The y'all man with the white highlight said, his voice sounded a lot like your dads, soft and caring but deep.
"It must have been an incredible place." He commented.
"Yes, it was. But now it is gone and we're the last Alteins alive." Coran said with a sad tone. He walked over to the princess and gave her a hug. Then suddenly a small squeak could be heard throughout the room. Allura walked over to her pod and blushed. "Looks like we're not the last after all." You looked in the cryopod to see Allura's pet mice. But even though the mice eventually stopped squeaking, ther sound of squeaks didn't stop. You followed to sound which lead to your cryopod and saw....LINK!!! Link was your pet and it never accrued to you where he was when Zarkon was attacking for some reason.
"LINK!" You grabbed him gently but excitedly and gave him a soft hug.
"Wait when did he get there, and how did nobody notice him!?" Coran asked clearly confused.
"I guess he just snuck in while I was put in the cryopod, his species is known for being slick and sneaky so... it would make sence." You said as Link let out a soft purr.
"Aww he reminds me of a weasel" One of the males said.
"What's his name?" The tall man with the white highlight asked.
"Link. While we're on the subject of names, may I ask yours?" You asked

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