"Come in" my fathers strong voice said.

I entered and saw my dad surrounded by papers.

"Ian the future alpha come help me with these papers" I nodded and took a seat across from my dad and grabbed a paper looking it over it was a request from the pack doctor he needed more medicines to which I signed the line giving it my permission for him to go ahead and get them.

My dad sighed "I'm getting too old for this" he looked at me "hurry up and find your mate I want to retire and live a peaceful life with your mother"

I smiled to myself

"What don't tell me you've already found her" he said raising his eyebrow.

I looked at him contemplating whether or not I should tell him

"I did find her..I think."

"When do I get to meet her" he asked.

"Umm I don't know yet" I said.

"What do you mean you don't know" my dad said eyes narrowing.

"I mean...she's" I paused.

"She's what?" he asked.

I sighed "she's human"

my dads eyes widened. "Oh so it's probably going to be a while."

I nodded "probably."

"Well tell me about her."

I looked at him I shouldn't be surprised about him wanting to know the future Luna of his pack but I am. Especially since he has a lot going on right now. I paused waiting for him to tell me to talk to him later but when he didn't I started telling him all about her which wasn't a lot since I don't know much about her myself.

"Well, she likes to read, she's strong minded, beautiful and I'm pretty sure she doesn't like me."

"What makes you say that" my dad asked

"Well she runs away when I try to talk to her and she refused to let me help her when she had groceries" I said.

"Ian what's her name?" I looked at him.

"I don't.... know" my dad nodded.

"And does she know your name" I shook my head "maybe try and introducing yourself and apologizing" this made me a little mad.

"Apologize why should I apologize I didn't do anything wrong"

"She's human and doesn't know what's going on you probably scared the poor girl" he said.

It made sense I suppose I did act a little strange.

"Fine I'll talk to her tomorrow" and I started to leave I stopped my hand on the door knob

"Oh dad don't tell anyone else especially mom I want to be the one that tells people"  he stopped me.

"Wait so no one knows" I looked a him

"Well Micheal knows and Jackson knows but only because Jackson tried to hit on her and that made me mad so obviously I had to stop in and Micheal was there when I found her"

I didn't want my dad knowing I followed my mate around for a while without her knowing I wouldn't say stalking her I'm her mate I have a right to know if she okay and protect her but still I didn't want my dad to know and make fun of me.

I exited the room and was debating on what to do. I haven't ran in a while

So I went to the edge of the forest and proceeded behind a tree and took off my cloths I didn't want to rip them and I left them in a hole in the tree.

The Wolf and The WitchWhere stories live. Discover now