8. So Much To Celebrate

Start from the beginning

~Lorelai looks over towards Rory whos nodding aggressively~

"Yes, yes a thousand times Yes," Lorelai says

"Oh thank god," Luke says

~ The kids hoot, holler and do some catcalls ~

"Geez, what's with teenagers these days," Luke asks jokingly.

"Enough, Peepers. " Lorelai says seeing Luke blush.

"Whoop My mommas getting married, So Now we can talk about running away and getting married in some foreign country I'm 14 now" Rory jokes to Logan.

"Sweet, let's go" Logan evilly smirks.

"I don't think so Mr. you have to have her mother and soon-to-be step dads permission," Lorelai says

"Well darn, I guess we cant get married we both know Luke will never agree to give away a teen bride," Logan says laughing.

"Damn right, I also wouldn't agree with grandchildren before I'm a father myself, that is if Lorelai would want kids," Luke says

"Damn straight I would love to have your little flannel backwards cap wearing babies," Lorelai says smirking.

"Can we elope, Not tell my parents until they rant about us living together in sin or even better until I'm pregnant and they freak, and I cant tell them we are married then?" Lorelai asks

"We can elope, but they will know," Luke says

"Wait, hold on, Rory you don't seem shocked......" Lorelai says looking at Rory with slitted eyes

"Oh I'm not, He asked me if it was ok to ask you, he even showed me the ring," Rory says smirking.

"Oh, you evil little..... And you couldn't warn me" Lorelai asks.

"it wouldn't have been a surprise then, but I did tell you I knew he would marry you if you ever asked, So I did hint at it a bit," Rory says

"Devil child" Lorelai mutters.

"I am my mother's mini-me," Rory says laughing.

"Now we have something more to celebrate than my birth. Oh and Mom think about how you're going to tell grandma and grandpa tomorrow, you know at their party for me..." Rory says

"Gee kid kill a girls engagement buzz why don't you" Lorelai smirks.

"Anyways back to our tasks then we can have a little junk food hang out," Rory says

~ Lorelai presses the answering machine button seeing there are 4 messages while Rory gets all the snacks together ~

"Kid's have some bad news, I got a message from school," Lorelai says grimly.

"Oh no, what?" Paris asks

"I think you should all call your parents," Lorelai says

"Oh, why are they making us come in early and stay late to make up for today?" Colin asks

"No, Well it seems the Security risk won't be fixed for tomorrow so you will be missing school again so if you want you can spend the night here and keep the birthday girl company before the stuffy society party," Lorelai says

"I will call dad and tell him," Honor says

"I will inform nanny," Paris says

"No ones home so no one cares," Colin says

"My mom wouldn't notice me gone anyways," Robert says

"Mom knows already," Tristan says

The group had a good time watching movies and snacking until very late at night.

"Alrighty, you all know the room assignment's no co-ed sleeping or even in the same room alone with the opposite sex, that is unless your gayer than gay and then your in with the opposite sex and no Robert I know your not gay," Lorelai says giving him the evil eye.

"I wasn't even going to try," Robert says

"Bull, you would if you thought you could get away with it and if any girl would let you near her room," Madeline says

"With that said Me and Luke are going to head to bed, we have work tomorrow unlike you punks we have to get up," Lorelai says

The kids had all ended up passing out in the theatre room watching movies and waking up to the smell of coffee and breakfast.

"What time is it," Logan asks

"11, now get up. Coffee is on, and brunch is ready. You all are more then welcome to stay and if you choose can even get ready here, but your stuff will have to be sent here" Rory says

"How the hell are you already awake and so perky," Colin asks.

"4 cups of coffee," Rory says

"You all should know by now she is 80% coffee 10% sugar," Logan says

"What's the other 10%?" Robert asks

"It's a Lorelai thing," Rory says smirking.

Once everyone woke up, Had coffee and ate, they made arrangement's to either have their party clothing dropped off or to get it themselves sometime that day. The girls all planned on getting ready in Rory's room after their shower's and the guys were left to make their plans for getting ready. After lunch, they decided that they would go for a swim in the pool before they had to get ready for the party. The boys ended up dressing in the same room, Logan, Finn and Tristan all needed lot's mirror and counter space to make sure they had all their hair products to make sure their hair was perfect while Colin and Robert didn't care as Robert had short curly hair and Colin has short straight hair.

Once the group of 8 teens were all ready they gathered in the foyay and headed to the awaiting limo, Luke and Lorelai took her Landrover and went to the Gilmore estate.

~ Rory rings the Gilmores doorbell ~

"Hello, Miss Rory and friend's come in and let me take your coats." Berta Says

"Thank you" everyone reply's handing their coats.

"Rory, Logan don't you two look darling together, You all look very well tonight," Emily says as she greets everyone individually.

"Rory, its great to see your friends escort you and Logan to your party tonight," Richard says

"It was great of them wasn't it, They all even kept me company today since there was no school again. The girls and I got ready together, and the boys couldn't let us arrive alone." Rory says

"That is so darling how you girls got ready together, Soon it will be Debutante ball's and other event's then graduations and weddings," Emily says with a sparkle in her eye when she looks at Rory and Logan.

The party went off without a hitch, Rory got a lot of gift's and had many envelopes handed to her. Logan and Rory danced a lot, mingled with many of the elders and Rory was shown off to all of her grandparent's friends of course and they bragged about her to everyone who would listen.

Lorelai even had a chance and told Emily and Richard about her engagement before they noticed the ring and had a fit about being the last to know. Emily wanted to start planning the very next morning, but Lorelai insisted that she and Luke have a week to them self's before plans started being made for their wedding and Emily agreed only because Luke and Lorelai had decided she would be able to help plan.


Still a total like and comment whore, so please like and comment it helps my motivational skills and right now i need a lot of motivation

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