Chapter 6

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Hey guys sorry if my chapter is bit of late I had a writers block :/ I used to upload a chapter every other day lol
Im not sure about making a writing schedule, but I'll post frequently.

Aria POV

I stepped between mum and dad, holding their hands tightly. Being close to them makes me feel safe, I never want to think how my life will go without them. I know it would feel the worst to lose somebody you cherish.

"Aria, you go home with your father now'' ''I'll get your siblings and meet you home'' Mum said as he releases his grip from my hand.

''Alright Aria stay close'' I nodded and disapparated with my Father.

When we reached our destination I started running to stepping into our house and get in the kitchen. I felt tired mostly, but some of my energy is still there. Willy feels tired so he went to bed.I turned on the lights and turned to face my father.

"Want to have some tea with me'' I looked at him and smiled.

"Sure" he replied and went to sit on the couch, waiting for me.

I started to look up for the ingredients to prepare my tea, had to use chairs and climb I'm since I'm a short one! You'll laugh at me if you see me reach out for stuff all the time. I turn on the fire, starting to boil some water. As I wait I started to daydream about myself at Hogwarts.

I see myself walking happily having fun and making lots and lots of friends of witches and wizards. I'm looking forward to sneaking out from bed to look out for exotic creatures, I bet there are interesting stuff outside the campus.

Suddenly my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the boiling water. I quickly add the tea bag and herbs in the teapot, then pouring the hot water. I like to examine and try new types of teas, even though sometimes they taste Yuck!

"Here you go" I offer my father a cup of my tea.

"Thank you" He smiled then took a sip

I smiled but felt sad at the same time. It's my dad, he got a serious injury on his face. There's a time he was taming some dragons, but unfortunately one has blown fire on him. It's only the left side in his face, but it still hurts me from him to time to see him like this.

"Will it ever go away dad?" I asked with a sad expression on my face.

"Aria dear please don't bother yourself about this" He replied to me as he places his cup on the table and looks at me.

"Consider this scar as a mark to remind you about my bravery with dragons" he grins and brushes my hair softly.

I tried to fake a smile for my father, but still heartbroken for what happened to him. One of my goals, when I go to Hogwarts, is to learn potions and try to find a cure to heal my father's scar.

It looks really bad, it's not only a burn, even his eyes. The scerla has turned red and Iris is white. It's pretty much terrifying to look at him, but I got used to it. The flame has left dark marks, and made the skin deformed.

I promised that when I go to Hogwarts, I'm not only going to have fun and best days of my life; but also mastering the science of potions for the sake of healing my father's headiois scar.

Suddenly my father and I hear a voice.

"Your mum is back already" Dad pointed as we look at the door as if gets opened.

I see my siblings Nickols and Polly get in following my mum inside.

"We had a lot of fun today with uncle Robert!" Nick exclaimed.

"Yeah we saw really cute creatures today" Polly added and both of my parents giggled when they heard them.

"Okay kids it's bedtime I'll hear the rest tomorrow" Dad sad and went upstairs.

"Ah Aria you missed if you should've came with us today" told me Polly feeling down.

"Well I've got school to go to" I giggled

I finally started to feel sleepy and went upstairs to my bedroom. I see already that willy is in a middle of a deep sleep, I wonder if he's freaking about food again. Just hoping he won't make noises and annoy me in my sleep, I'm pretty much exhausted right now.

I didn't feel like changing my clothes. I rested my head on my pillow with covering up with my blanket.

Hogwarts here I come!

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------> ravenclaw_grayhair
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