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Ayano Aishi: That's a cool idea, but... it will trigger the secured corridors... There should no harmful weapons involved.

Miyuji Shan: Don't worry! I'll make a way...

Ayano Aishi: Sure...

Tomorrow is the big day for Ayano...

Ayano Aishi: Goodmorning.... Si Ah! Why is it so loud there? Anything wrong?

Si Ah: Can you please get down here quickly?

Ayano Aishi: Okay!

As Ayano went down, she saw some boxes and stuff...

Ayano Aishi: What ere these things?

Si Ah: I'm sorry but I guess I'll kick you out in this house... Sorry but I will go back to Korea now, my flight is 11:00 am. I'm sorry but I think you retrieved your memory right?

Ayano Aishi: Yeah a little bit... I remember my house, I'll just go there... Thank you Si Ah for letting me stay here for a while and being buddies.

Si Ah: Me too, I'm happy that I met you... You're almost late, go change clothes and your bento that I made is already on the counter.

Ayano Aishi: Thank you!

As Ayano go downstairs, she burst in tears. And asked for a last hug as buddies... Still Ayano went to school and prepared for the BIG event. She saw Amai at the gate of the school handing free foods.

Amai Odayaka: Hi Goodmorning! Have some Gimbap! It's a Korean dish! Have fun! Oh hi! Ayano right? Have some of these! It's very delicious!

Ayano Aishi: Okay...

As Ayano passes Amai, she heard a conversation that she wished to never happen...

Amai Odayaka: Senpai *Blushing* Hi... Have some of these Gimbap, it's delicious...

Senpai: Okay...

Ayano burst out of anger and didn't attend the first period so that she can plan longer.

Ayano Aishi: Since we didn't attend the first period, plan... now! This is getting ridiculous!

Miyuji Shan: Okay okay... I got the poison in this bag and I bubble wrapped it. When it's lunch time, I slide it through the security system and when it triggers, you on the other side will hide it in the storage room... And since the Cooking Club is moved on the 2nd floor, we'll not attend the last period and we'll do the same thing on the 2nd floor, and after you got it, run to the Club since there are no more security system... and put it where it's hidden. And since Amai makes free food while Club Activities, I'll quickly call her and put it quickly! Okay let's do it!

It's luchtime and they are settled and confident about their plan.

Miyuji Shan: *Texting* Just sit there and get ready to get the bottle... I've prepared the shovel.

As Miyuji Shan walked on the security system it triggers.

Security System: *Alarms*

Miyuji quickly slide the bottle to Ayano and Ayano hid it inside the storage room... And Miyuji quickly pulled the shovel out...

Megami Saikou: *Holding a pepper spray* Stop right there!

Miyuji Shan: *Gasp* What have I done?

Aoi Ryugoku: You trigerred the alarm, that means you have a weapon with you right now... Check her quickly!

They students councils searched her and found a shovel.

Shiromi Torayoshi: All we can find is this shovel, why do you have this?

Miyuji Shan: That? Oh I thought I joined the Gardening Club though?

Megami Saikou: Then go!

After the last period, they did their plan again... Miyuji threw the bottle to Ayano at the 2nd floor and the alarms went on...

Miyuji and the student councils went talking again and saying that this is the last time she'll get pass this security system with a weapon or else... Expell.. Ayano went to the Cooking Club and saw Amai baking foods...

Amai Odayaka: La la la la la~Senpai will be mine~~ He will love this "Fish Cakes"!

Amai's phone rings and someone is calling her...

Amai Odayaka: La la la la la~~~ Wait... who's calling me... *On the phone* Hello? Who's this?

Miyuji Shan: *On the phone* It's me Miyuji, can you please come right now to the gym? I need to tell you something about your Senpai...

Amai Odayaka: Really?! What is it?! Okay I'll be right there!

As Amai went running, she left her dish and Ayano went inside after Amai left...

Ayano Aishi: Wow! This fish caked looks really good! But sadly this will be te last dish she can bake... *Evil laugh* Now to spice things up! Let's do this!

Ayano poured the whole bottle of the poison in the fish cakes... She covered the poison with more frosting...

Ayano Aishi: Nice job Ayano... *Evil laugh*

As her phone rang...

Ayano Aishi: Hello Miyuji?

Miyuji Shan: Hide! She's coming!

Ayano heard a noise and went hiding under the cupboard, and watches Amai die...

Amai Odayaka: How come students prank me? It's fine i got my delicious here... Let's taste it now! I'm sure that this is yummy!

As Amai ate a spoonful of the food, she went choking...

Amai Odayaka: *Choking* Hel--- *Choking* *Can't breathe* !!!

And died...

Ayano Aishi: *Evil laugh* Another rival eliminated! Now I need to burn this  bottle of poison... Ayano went to the incinerator and burnt the bottle... As she came in the Cooking Club, there were police investigating...

Ayano Aishi: (How fast)

Police Officer: Looks like she died from food poisoning... This posion is color green. Counselor, go lock the gate of this school and we will ask students and check their bags... for evidence...

The Police Officers checked Ayano's bag and didn't find anything...

Police Officer: Looks like we can't perform an arrest because there's no evidence... Quickly call Amai's mom and tell her what happened.

Principal: Hello Mrs. Odayaka... Your daughter died... I'm very sorry... Please come here fast.

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: May 23, 2018 ⏰

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