Framing Kokona Haruka For Murdering

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Yandere-Chan was about to get ready to frame Kokona Haruka when her phone ring
Phone:Ring! Ring!
Yandere-Chan:Hello,Info-Chan,what's the matter?
Info-Chan:Your gloves are in your locker,at the front school.
Yandere-Chan:Ok,but how did you get my key? It's on me right now.
Info-Chan:It's my job to know everybody's secret by opening their locker.But I'm not breaking your locker,I just checked the lock and I picked the lock.
Yandere-Chan:Your plans are so clever!
Info-Chan:I know but don't tell anybody about this.
Yandere-Chan:I won't,I just want to kill my rivals and they will never face my Senpai again.
Info-Chan:Aren't you late on class right now? It's almost 8:00 am.
Yandere-Chan:Wha? How did you know our schedule? .....Oh right you know EVERYTHING!
Info-Chan:If I'm you I will end this call and go to class.
Yandere-Chan:Oh yeah...hehehe.I need to go.
Info-Chan:Yeah that's right.
Yandere-Chan walks to her school and quickly went to her locker to get the gloves
Yandere-Chan:Where's my key? Uh...seriously,I left it in our house? I need to be quick.
As Yandere-Chan runs back to her home he saw Kokona Haruka walking towards the school
Kokona Haruka:Hey there!
Kokona Haruka:Why your running back home?
Yandere-Chan:Just mind your own business,go to school!
When Yandere-Chan arrived at her home he already saw her keys on top of her bed
Yandere-Chan:Finally,I find you.OMG I might as well run back to the school,before it is too late.
She runs fast as she can just to arrive at her school,and she isn't late
Yandere-Chan:What a coincidence,I'm not late.I better get to my locker and grab my gloves.
Yandere-Chan opens her locker and quickly grabs the gloves and put it in her bag unconsciously
Yandere-Chan:Yes I got my gloves,I just need to go to my class and wait until Club Activities.
Koharu Hinata:Hey Yandere-Chan,are you ready for the results?
Yandere-Chan:Hey there,what results?
Koharu Hinata:Remember we just take our test yesterday,and today's the classroom dividing.
Yandere-Chan:Oh yeah I'm ready to know my results.Let's go.
The two arrived at their classroom and their teacher announces their results in the test
Teacher Rino Fuka:Goodmorning class today is the day were your results will be declared.
Mina Rai:Yay I'm so excited!
Teacher Rino Fuka:So I will start alphabetical.Yandere-Chan your score is 10/40
Yandere-Chan:That's fine for me I just need to kill my rival.
Teacher Rino Fuka:Next,Hayato Haruki your score is 29/40
Hayato Haruki:Oh no,I am low!
Teacher Rino Fuka:Next,Koharu Hinata your score is 38/40
Koharu Hinata:Yay! I only got 2 mistakes!
Teacher Rino Fuka:Next,Mina Rai your score is 33/40
Mina Rai:Yes! I've past the test!
Teacher Rino Fuka:Last but not the least,Chojo Tekina your score is...40/40! Congratulations you're the highest in our class! Ok so today we will talk about the dividing class...
Yandere-Chan's Phone:Ring! Ring!
Teacher Rino Fuka:Who's phone is that?
Yandere-Chan:That's mine teacher.I'm so sorry.May I go out?
Teacher Rino Fuka:Yes you may.
She went to the bathroom and answers the call from Info-Chan
Yandere-Chan:What are you doing?! I'm in a middle of a class!
Info-Chan:I'm sorry to bother you,but you already take a picture of Kokona Haruka,don't you want to know where she hangs out every lunch,and after school?
Yandere-Chan:I want to,so what can I do?
Info-Chan:It's just so simple.Just send me the photo and I will give you all the gossips!
Yandere-Chan:Okay? But why you sounded like EVIL!
Info-Chan:I'm so sorry for that.That is my actual feeling when I heard the gossips about students...hehehe.
Yandere-Chan:Here I sent it.You should probably give me all the gossips about her.
Info-Chan:There's the gossips about her that I know!

Info-Chan:There's the gossips about her that I know!

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Yandere-Chan:Now I know all about her.I shall kill her by not letting anyone see me doing this.
Info-Chan:So what are you waiting for? Go kill her at 5:00-5:30 pm.
Yandere-Chan:Thanks for the information about Kokona Haruka.
Info-Chan:No problem,that's my job here at Akademi High.
After that Yandere-Chan went back to class and when it's time for lunch she sets the traps
Yandere-Chan:I should probably set the traps and ask the member of the cooking club,what knife does Kokona Haruka uses to make the food for the club.Hm..I know somebody who can I ask about.
So Yandere-Chan was searching for Koharu Hinata to ask her because she is the only friend of hers
Yandere-Chan:Hey Koharu Hinata you are one of the member of Cooking Club right?
Koharu Hinata:Yes,why do you ask so?
Yandere-Chan:I'm just wondering what knife does Kokona Haruka uses to chop the food for your club? Can you show me where it is located?
Koharu Hinata:Um..uh..sure...
They both went to the Cooking Club and Koharu Hinata shows the knife
Koharu Hinata:This is the knife were Kokona Haruka uses to prepare the dish.It is always located in this knife holder,and it's always at the top so that she knows where it is.
Yandere-Chan:Well,thank you for the information!
As Yandere-Chan leaves the room,Koharu Hinata was curios why Yandere-Chan was asking about Kokona Haruka's knife and now is the time for the Club Activities Yandere-Chan puts on the gloves that she bought from Info-Chan and ask Kokona Haruka if she can borrow a knife
Yandere-Chan:Hey guys if you don't mind I will talk to Kokona Haruka.
Yui Rio:Sure she's at the kitchen.
Yandere-Chan went to the kitchen and talks to Kokona Haruka
Yandere-Chan:Hey Kokona Haruka can I borrow your knife after you used it?
Kokona Haruka:Sure but why don't you get these ones.
Yandere-Chan:Um..cause I'm uncomfortable with it.
Kokona Haruka:Oh ok,just a minute and I am done using my knife.
Yandere-Chan:Is it done yet?
Kokona Haruka:Yes it's done,I just need to fry these hotdogs.
Yandere-Chan:I'm gonna get these knife,bye and thanks!
Kokona Haruka:Okay,and I'm curios why she is wearing a gloves.
Yuan Hina:She probably wears it to not get any injuries like accidentally cut herself.
Kokona Haruka:Oh ok,if you say so.And by the way our hotdogs will be ready in a minute.
Yandere-Chan finds a victim and plans to kill the victim
Juku Ren:Oh no I'm late again in the Martial Arts.But that's okay I will just be here at the rooftop.
Yandere-Chan(whispers to herself):Now I find my first victim to kill.....Hyaaaaah!
Juku Ren:Ahhhhhhhhhhh!
Yandere-Chan:Mwahahaha! I just need to hide this corpse.this corner should be perfect,I just need to get rid of this blood in my shirt and sweap the blood
Yandere-Chan went to the bathroom to get the mop and dipper and started cleaning the blood
Yandere-Chan:The last pile of blood.....and I'm done.Just need to change my clothes.
She went to the girl's bathroom and change her clothes into the gym uniform
Yandere-Chan:There I just need to wash this clothes and this gloves and put it in my bag.....there I'm all done.My last thing to do is put this bloody knife in the rooftop.
As all the clubs were done Saki Miyu (A Cooking Club member) finds Kokona Haruka's knife
Saki Miyu:Oh look Kokona Haruka's knife with a ketchup lying on the ground,she must have dropped it.I better get this back in the club.
Saki Miyu washes the knife in the Cooking Club room and put it back in the knife holder which means Kokona Haruka's thumbprint was deleted and the blood also
Saki Miyu:There,I need to go home right now.
It was the end of the school,when a teacher finds a corpse in the rooftop
Teacher Natsuki Anna:Huh,is this Juku Ren,my student? He is dead! I better tell the faculty about this!
The Principal:Hello police officers there is a tragedy in Akademi High.Come here as fast as you can.

The police arrived at school
The police discovered the corpse of Juku Ren
The police cannot find any murder weapons or clues
The police questioned Yandere-Chan but cannot linked
her to any crime The police cannot perform an arrest
so the students are now free to leave

Yandere-Chan:Why didn't my plan went correct? suppose to be Kokona Haruka who will be arrested.Well,she got lucky this time but next time I tried to do something she cannot escape!

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