Summoning A Demon

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Another school day for Yandere-Chan,without a club

Yandere-Chan:Now what?Where should I join club now?I better check the other clubs.

Yandere-Chan went to school and ask Teacher Rino Fuka if she can walk around school to find a club

Yandere-Chan:Hey teacher!Can I walk around school to find some clubs so that I can improve my murdering ski...I mean to improve my learning skills?
Teacher Rino Fuka:Ok,but you need somebody with,so that you can't get lost here around school.
Yandere-Chan:But I can do it myself teacher.I don't need somebody to escort me around school.
Teacher Rino Fuka:No Yandere-Chan!If you get lost here it's my priority to find you!So get somebody fast!
Yandere-Chan:Fine!I don't care!

As the students were looking at Yandere-Chan shouting,her reputation goes low

Sakyu Basu:How dare she speaks like that in a teacher?!I better spread this situation on my classmates.
Mei Mio:Such inappropriate!She can't have any respect at all.
Koharu Hinata:What's happening here?
Kokuma Jutsu:I think they're discussing about Yandere-Chan,that she shouts at Teacher Rino Fuka.
Koharu Hinata:Oh no! I was right! I better get upstairs at the rooftop.

Koharu Hinata went to the rooftop and she quickly went there if Mina Rai is there

Koharu Hinata:Hey Mina Rai! Are you here? I will check the Martial Arts Club.

She went in the Martial Arts Club and ask Budo Masuta

Koharu Hinata:Hey Budo Masuta! Have you seen Mina Rai for any chance?
Budo Masuta:No I haven't,why? Is she lost or something?
Koharu Hinata:No...thanks by the way!

Koharu Hinata finally saw Mina Rai walking towards the girls' bathroom

Koharu Hinata:Hey Mina Rai! Can I talk to you for a moment? I just wanna tell you something.
Mina Rai:I'm sorry Koharu Hinata,I'm not in a good mood for talking.I just want to be alone.
Koharu Hinata:But this is so important.You should know this about Yandere-Chan!
Mina Rai:What?! Tell me.
Koharu Hinata:Let's first go inside the bathroom so that nobody will see us.

The two went in the bathroom and talked about Yandere-Chan

Koharu Hinata:Yesterday,did Yandere-Chan make you cry?
Mina Rai:Why did you ask so? But,yes she made me cry.
Koharu Hinata:I'm right! She is...insane!
Mina Rai:No she's not.You need to get rid of that thing! She is not insane! She is my only bestfriend.
Koharu Hinata:I'm sorry Mina Rai but the evidences are real,she is insane!
Mina Rai:Why can it be like that! Why can it be like that!
Koharu Hinata:I'm so sorry Mina Rai,but it's true! You should stay away from her.
Mina Rai:Oh that is a hard decision...but ok,I will do it.
Koharu Hinata:It's not only for me,it's also for you and your safety.Now I think that she is the murderer!
Mina Rai:What?! Please don't think of that,and if she is she would kill everybody instantly.Don't think about that!
Koharu Hinata:Oh ok I won't.

The two left the bathroom and went to their classrooms,let's go back to Yandere-Chan

Yandere-Chan:(Hm...who can I ask to help me around this school,even if I don't want! I know I might pick Mina Rai to say sorry...Pshh why would I apologize by the way? I will just find Mina Rai)

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