Megami's Past

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Megami Saikou: !!! *Can't breathe* !!! *Faints*

Ayano Aishi: *Evil laugh* Two rivals down! (Oka Ruto was killed in secret).

Suddenly, Megami apprehended Ayano and pushed her hard and left the house.

Ayano Aishi: Ugh!

Megami Saikou: You better not do anything to me anymore! I'm not that easy to take down!

Ayano Aishi: Dang it! I thought I killed her... Oh no! My reputation! I shoulld taunt her...

Ayano finds her phone and she texts Megami...

Ayano Aishi: *Texting* Megami, you should not tell anyone about this!

Megami Saikou: *Texting* Okay, ust the principal and the guidance counselor.

Ayano Aishi: *Texting* No! If you do that I should force myself to scatter the story of your family...

Megami Saikou: (*Gasp* No one should know that!) *Texting* Okay I won't tell anybody...

In the past days....

Saisho Saikou (Grandpa of Megami): Daughter and son listen to me. I have founded the Saikou Corporation, and soon I'll be *Coughing* dead...

Son: But dad! You can't die! You can't leave us! Please don't die! I have no one to be with...

Daughter: Dad! What if the company will be gone. We need you! In fact you're one of the best!

Saisho Saikou: I'm afraid death is a thing... Don't worry, my daughter you will be the successor of our corporation *Coughing* I'll have someone to train you. This is a special training for you to grow our company!

Daughter: Okay dad... I'll do my best...

The daughter of Saisho spend lots of money to train her well... The training of her daughter was very focused and the daughter tried everything for her dad...

But one day...

Daughter: Dad... Can I tell you something.

Saisho Saikou: I'll listen my dear daughter.

Daughter: I need to tell you this... but I think I'm not gonna be the successor of our corporation.

Saisho Saikou: *Coughing* What?! What's the reason?! I trained so hard! You should not be backing out! *Coughing*

Daughter: I'm sorry dad *Crying* I just want to be the best daughter for you but... I guess I can't do it... I have thought that I have valued something else above my inheritance...

After that, the daughter left Japan to pursue her dream...

Saisho Saikou was very devastated on what happened. He wasted money and fortunes just to train her daughter well. So he was forced to use his son as a successor since he only has two children  eventhough he hasn't given the son a special training.

Saisho Saikou: My son... *Coughing*

Son: Yes dad?

Saisho Saikou: When you grow up and have a wife... *Coughing* You should have many childern alright?

Son: But why dad?

Saisho Saikou: So that if your firstnew child doesn't want to inherit Saikou Corporation, you have the other child to take responsibility... *Coughing*

And so, Saisho's son had two children: a daughter named Megami and a son named Kencho. Kencho is fully aware that he was conceived with the sole purpose of being a "backup" in case his sister ever dies or abandons her obligations towards her family. This fact was never hidden from him. As a result, his self-identity is based entirely on his relationship to Megami, and his sense of self-worth is derived by comparing himself to her. He is not content to exist as a "backup", and strives to surpass his sister. However, his sister can outperform him in absolutely every way, which has caused him to develop an extreme inferiority complex.

Kencho Saikou: Dad...

Dad (Son of Saisho): Yes my son?

Kencho Saikou: I heard rumors that you corrupted in our corporation...

Dad: Yes my child but don't tell anyone, I'm doing this for the sake of you guys.

Kencho Saikou: It's okay dad, but are you picking me to inherit our corporation?

Dad: I'm sorry son but... your sister is the firstborn and let's see first if she wants to be the successor of Saikou Corporation...

Kencho Saikou: *Walks away being angry*

Kencho's father is aware that his son's rivalry towards his daughter is a potential problem, and so Kencho has been forbidden from attempting to interfere with Megami's life in any way. Kencho desires his father's approval more than anything else, and so he has never meddled in Megami's life, not even once - but every day, he hopes that a terrible misfortune will befall her so that his life can have a purpose.  

Kencho Saikou: Hey! Why are you touching that?!

Megami Saikou: Cause I want to! So shut up!

Kencho Saikou: How dare you! *Whispers* Remember this, I hope something misfortune happens to you and I shall inherit our corporation...

Megami Saikou: Don't worry I'll still follow dad's orders for me to be the sucessor!

Megami walks out, Kencho and Megami do not interact often, but when they do, Kencho is very discouraging and condescending toward his sister in an attempt to mask how she makes him feel. He is aware that his father wanted his firstborn to be a son rather than a daughter; this is his only "advantage" over Megami, and he gloats about it at every chance he gets. His childish behavior rarely has an effect on Megami, but on rare occasions, his words can cut her deep.

Most Saikou family members strive to be as honorable, respectable, and dignified as possible, but Kencho is unlike the rest of his clan. Because he desperately wants to escape his feelings of inferiority and pursue the sensation of superiority, he takes every opportunity to flaunt his wealth and social status over anyone that he considers to be "beneath" him.  

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