The Secret Plan

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Another day of school,Yandere-Chan is walking to school she noticed Koharu Hinata walking too,but without her friends

Yandere-Chan:Why is Koharu Hinata walking all by herself? She suppose to be with her friends walking to school.Maybe she is thinking something deep.
Inkyu Basu:Hey Yandere-Chan,wait up! We have to talk,it's important.
Yandere-Chan:What is it? Let's just go to the school first and tell me in the classroom.
Inkyu Basu:Sure.

When Yandere-Chan enters the school slowly,Koharu Hinata looks at her with a sharp eye,looks like Koharu Hinata was up to something

Koharu Hinata:What should I do? I must wait for Mina Rai in the gymnasium.I better get there before it will be class time,that would be horrible.

Koharu Hinata went to the gymnasium to meet with Mina Rai

Koharu Hinata:Where is Mina Rai? She should be here any minute.Oh there she is,Mina Rai!
Mina Rai:Hello,I've brought somebody else who can help us.
Koharu Hinata:Who is it?
Mina Rai:It's Supana Churu,she is a member of the Occult Club which is she knows all about being crazy.She also knows where does crazy comes from,she will help us,am I right Supana Churu?
Supana Churu:Yes,I can help you with psychological systems like crazy,paranormal,and dark stuffs.I can also track some evil spirits which my leader taught me.We also have some things to attract Devils and summon them.
Koharu Hinata:Wow! That's really great! So,where and when we will meet?
Mina Rai:Supana Churu,what time you will be free?
Supana Churu:Of course in lunch time,at the secret place.
Mina Rai:What secret place? Where is it?
Koharu Hinata:She is really good at secrets.Just tell us where is it.
Supana Churu:Sure but first,meet me at the Class 2.That's where I study.
Mina Rai:Ok,make sure nobody knows our meetings.
Supana Churu:I can handle that thing.
Bell:Ring! Ring! Ring!
Koharu Hinata:Looks like it's class time! See you there!
Mina Rai:Meet you there too! Also to you Supana Churu!
Supana Churu:Ok! Goodbye!

The girls went to their perspective classroom and listens to their teacher

Teacher Rino Fuka:Students,may I have your attention please? Today we will be learning 'Language'.All of you should bring me different languages speaking 'Hello,my name is...'.That is your first assignment.Here are the languages you will assigned to be.Koharu Hinata you are Japanese,Hayato Haruki you are Chinese,Mina Rai you are Latin,Yandere-Chan you are Tagalog,and Chojo Tekina you will be French.That is your assignment,I want it to be done by tomorrow morning,understood?
Students:Yes teacher!

As the bell rang students walks out the classroom and went to different place,but Mina Rai and Koharu Hinata went to the Class 2 to get Supana Churu

Mina Rai:My language is so hard! I can barely still yours! I'm just kidding.
Koharu Hinata:I know right? But I think I can handle your language.We better get Supana Churu so that we can be early and have some more time!
Mina Rai:You're right,let's go in the Class 2.

The two went to the Class 2 and call Supana Churu and waved at her signing her that they will now go in the secret base that Supana Churu was telling

Mina Rai:Supana Churu! Supana Churu! We are here! By the door.Let's go while it's early.
Supana Churu:Wait,I will get something importantly we need.It's my 'Occult Book' which we can use.
Koharu Hinata:What is the use of that?
Supana Churu:There is no time to talk,I will tell you when we arrived.Follow me it's outside the school!

They all arrived and they were amazed what they saw,while Supana Churu was opening the book she is holding she just turns the page were it should be

Supana Churu:Wait a minute,I will just ready the book before we will enter the 'Hedge Maze'.It is very important.
Koharu Hinata:A Hedge Maze? I'm not good at mazes,I suck at them!
Supana Churu:Don't worry Koharu Hinata,I memorized this maze because I always hang out in here when lunch time.Also this maze is complicated so get ready.Ready your legs we have a long journey to take.
Mina Rai:This should not be a 1 hour long or else I will quit this plan.....I'm just kidding.
Supana Churu:No no,it's not 1 hour long.It doesn't take so much time,if you brought some things that will enjoy you.
Koharu Hinata:That's why I always bring my phone all the time.I also brought my other phone.
Mina Rai:Me too! I also brought my phone!
Supana Churu:Ah! Teens this days,always bringing their high tech technologies.I guess I'm the one who will be guiding two of you.
Mina Rai:Your right! Hehehehe,also tell us when we arrived.
Supana Churu:Sure.

After 30 minutes walking by the maze,Koharu Hinata and Mina Rai was complaining

Koharu Hinata:OMG! Are we here yet? My phone is dead! At least my other is not.
Koharu Hinata's phone:Ting!
Koharu Hinata:Told you! Oh it's Saki Miyu,she asks me where am I.I will tell her that I am eating lunch.
Supana Churu:You better be,because I'm the only one who finds the center alive.Even teachers can't handle this maze.Now two of you and me knows the path where we are at the center.
Mina Rai:How can I memorize those? It's so difficult.My legs are hurting.You are really a genius,you memorized all of this even it is so hard.....Is that it? It looks like it,the center?
Supana Churu:Yes! We arrived!
Koharu Hinata:Finally we arrived after 30 minutes! Now,what are we gonna do?
Supana Churu:Let's just sit here.And be quiet before somebody hears us.I will just ready my things.
Mina Rai:Oh look a 'Manga'! That's so cool! Looks like somebody has dropped it.Wait if somebody has dropped it...Somebody has come here.
Supana Churu:What?! That's impossible! This maze is too difficult to solve! Wait,is there a name there? There should be.And it looks like this is for boys because the title says 'Yokai Story' and it's Volume 1.
Koharu Hinata:Supana Churu it can also be for girls cause look! It says that it is for girls!
Supana Churu:Ok,handle me that thing,I will examine that later.Now let's start.Who is the girl who you feel is insane?
Koharu Hinata:It's Yandere-Chan.She seems so stressful when she talks to our teacher.Do you know where it came from? So that we can help her to go back to herself.
Supana Churu:According to the 'Occult Book' it can possibly starts when she/he is having troubles in family or friends.The next situation is when she/he is influenced be evil students and last is when she/he is 'OBSESSED' with someone.I hope I helped you cause that's the only information in the book.I need to go.
Mina Rai:Wait up,we don't know where is the exit.
Supana Churu:Oh ok! I'm sorry.

They went to their clubs after they left the Hedge Maze but Koharu Hinata was left having confused

Koharu Hinata:Who could leave a manga in the Hedge Maze? And that story though.Yandere-Chan told me that she likes Manga,but that's impossible! When she dropped she will find it cause it's her favorite book.

The teacher called all of the students in the gymnasium and told them something

Teacher Rino Fuka:Students,today we cannot have Club Activities cause the Club Leaders was sickened.So the Club Activities were postpone,I hope all of you understand,thank you! You may now go back home.

The students go back to their own home and left their faces with a sad face

Lovesick:A Yandere Simulator StoryTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang