Addictive To Senpai

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It's the another regular day but Yandere-Chan didn't know,that this is the day she will meet her Senpai
Yandere-Chan:What an another lovely school day!
Mina Rai:Hey Yandere-Chan aren't you my classmate?
Yandere-Chan:Yes I think we're classmates.Mina Rai?
Mina Rai:Yes my name is Mina Rai,I'm here from last year.Let's go to the classroom before we get late.
Yandere-Chan:By the way,have you seen Koharu?
Mina Rai:Maybe she is on her way to the classroom so we better get going now.
When Yandere-Chan and Mina Rai was there they were late for class
Yandere-Chan:Oh no,what should we do?
Mina Rai:Maybe just get in or..... we can think of an excuse.
Yandere-Chan:That's a good idea.
When they were getting in they can't think of an excuse
Mina Rai:Teacher we are so sorry to be late,we.....uh.....we just.
Teacher Rino Fuka:I know you're thinking of an excuse! Just get to your seat.Next time don't be late on class! Or that will affect your grade even you're excused for any illness.
Yandere-Chan:Yes teacher.
Teacher Rino Fuka:Ok today we will discuss about English.This is all about speeches,this is also about pronouncing correct words.And most importantly...different kinds of speeches.
Yandere-Chan (whispering to Mina Rai):Hey Mina Rai let's go to the bathroom I need to tell you something.
Mina Rai (whispering to Yandere-Chan):Ok,but make it quick.Uhm..teacher may we get out?
Teacher Rino Fuka:Sure but make it frequently.
The girls was making their way to the bathroom but Mina Rai forgot something in her bag
Mina Rai:Oh gosh,I forgot my pouch.Yandere-Chan just go to the bathroom I will catch up later.
Yandere-Chan:Ok but please make it fast we need this badly.
As Yandere-Chan making her way to the bathroom,he bumped into someone's chest
Yandere-Chan:Oh..oh..............aww that hurts badly.
Senpai:I'm sorry are you okay?
Yandere-Chan:Yes I'm fine but I fell into my knees,and look there is a scratch.
Senpai:May I take you to the clinic just around this corner?
Yandere-Chan:Sure just let me get up.
As Yandere-Chan looks at the boy's face he suddenly felt she is in love with him
Yandere-Chan (thinking to herself):He looks the guy that I want,I'm in love.....
Senpai:So,are we just gonna stand here?
Yandere-Chan:Oh,sorry let's go.
When they making their way they had a friendly conversation
Yandere-Chan:So what's your name?
Senpai:The name's Senpai,how about you?
Yandere-Chan:Hey Senpai! My name is Yandere-Chan.
Senpai:Nice to meet you Yandere-Chan.Looks like we are here,at the school's clinic.
Yandere-Chan:Aww my scratch is getting worse!
Senpai:Oh ok...Nurse Amy! Somebody has been hurt!
The two came inside the clinic and told Nurse Amy what happened
Senpai:Nurse Amy she fell into her knees and had a scratch.
Nurse Amy:Let me see,hm.....this just needs a medicine for scratches,cotton balls,and a bandage.
Yandere-Chan:Does it need any harmful objects?
Nurse Amy:No no no my dear,it just needs un harmful objects like bandages.
Yandere-Chan:Oh ok!
While Yandere-Chan was getting cured let's go back to Mina Rai
Mina Rai:Wait,where's Yandere-Chan.She supposed to meet me here I'll just wait here for her.
Let's get back now to Yandere-Chan who was experienced accident
Nurse Amy:It's done my dear you can go back to your class.
Senpai:Yandere-Chan do you have any errands before you were injured?
Yandere-Chan:hm.....oh no I forgot Mina Rai we suppose to meet at the bathroom got to go! Let's meet at lunch bye!
Senpai:Sure bye!
Yandere-Chan runs as fast as she can just to go to the bathroom
Yandere-Chan:uh uh uh wooh.Sorry Mina Rai I was late.
Mina Rai:It's okay...but,why is there a bandage in your knee?
Yandere-Chan:Oh this? It's a long story.I will tell you later.
Mina Rai:Okay.And what will you tell me again? I just forgot.
Yandere-Chan:Do you have any clues who's the most handsome guy in Akademi High?
Mina Rai:Yeah I have one.I think he is called Senpai.But for me he is not charming enough.
Yandere-Chan:Ok thanks! Let's get back to the class.
They entered the room and their teacher was very angry
Teacher Rino Fuka:Where the two of you went?
Yandere-Chan:I'm sorry teacher but look in my knee,I was injured because I bumped into someone and fell into my knees then we went to the clinic and the nurse cured me.We are so sorry to be late "again"
Teacher Rino Fuka:It's okay but make sure you study what we discussed today.It is all about different kinds of speeches.And by the way we will have a long test tomorrow,to know what class are you.
Chojo Tekina:Teacher,what do you mean?
Teacher Rino Fuka:I forgot to tell you that the principal will divide the class into 6 major classroom.That means we have the 6,5,4,3,2,1 section in Akademi High.Also class dismiss!
All the students:Goodbye teacher!
It's lunchtime.Yandere-Chan went to the roof with Mina Rai and Koharu Hinata to see Senpai
Yandere-Chan:You know Senpai right?
Koharu Hinata:Yeah.
Mina Rai:I heard that he is the heartthrob in our school.
Koharu Hinata:Yeah I heard that too.
Yandere-Chan:You know guys he is the guy who sent me in the clinic because I was injured.
Mina Rai:How lucky!
Koharu Hinata:Yeah.
Yandere-Chan:He supposed to meet me here,but where is he?
Mina Rai:I don't know either let's just go in the clubs that we will join I think it will be the Club time!
Koharu Hinata:Yeah Mina Rai's right he will not come here.
Yandere-Chan:Oh ok.
The three went back to the classroom and ask the teacher how to join a club
Mina Rai:Teacher how can we join a club?
Teacher Rino Fuka:Just talk to the leader of that group and tell him/her that you want to join.
Koharu Hinata:So what are we waiting for? Let's go
They were just wandering around talking what they will pick
Mina Rai:Hey Koharu Hinata what will you pick?
Koharu Hinata:I might as well pick the Cooking Club! How about you Mina Rai?
Mina Rai:I would probably choose Martial Arts Club I like Martials yaaaah! Yandere-Chan what club are you picking?
Yandere-Chan:I like uh.....maybe I will also choose Martial Arts.
Mina Rai:Yay we are at the same club!
The Club starts their practicing skills about their benefits
Yandere-Chan:Budo Masuta can I join your club?
Budo Masuta:Everyone's welcome in the Martial Arts Club.We teach hand to hand defending skills which improves your body muscles and making it more difficult to defeat by enemy.
Yandere-Chan:So can we start now the practice?
Budo Masuta:Ok! Let us start the right leg kick but first everyone should be in the Martial Arts uniform.Yandere-Chan I see your not in an uniform here.Just go to the back you will see the changing room,just make it quick.
Yandere-Chan suits the Martial Arts Uniform and she started talking to Mina Rai
Mina Rai:How's the club for you?
Yandere-Chan:Pretty cool and very organized.
Mina Rai:I like to hear that so that you will stay here longer!
Budo Masuta:Girls don't talk do the right leg kick,here I will demonstrate it.
Yandere-Chan and Mina Rai:Yes leader!
After the Club Activity the bell rang to end the school day
Bell:Ring! Ring!
Yandere-Chan:Looks like it's time to go!
Budo Masuta:Ok students tomorrow we will study more about defending skills.Club dismiss!
Mina Rai:Bye Yandere-Chan!
Yandere-Chan:Bye see you tomorrow!

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