A New Beginning...

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Yandere-Chan wakes up into a hospital...

Yandere-Chan: Where am I?

Doctor: You passed out because you got hit by a car Ms.

Yandere-Chan: Who are you? Where am I? What's my name?

Nurse: You don't know your name?

Doctor: I think she's faking since she's a prisoner, let's do a neurosurgery to be sure!

Nurse: Yes doctor!

When Yandere-Chan got in the neurosurgery room, she doesn't know what's going on. She can't even catch up on what's happening inside that OR (Operation Room). While performing the surgery...

Doctor: Gown please... Get ready... Ready the suction... Irrigation and scalpel...

Nurse: The blood is dropping dr.

Doctor: Suction... Press the blood bag

After a few hours... The surgery was successful, and the result are out

Doctor: Ms. Chan... the results are out and you have... amnesia...

Yandere-Chan: I don't know what you're saying...

After Yandere-Chan got cured in the hospital, the amnesia can't be removed. She was moved to prison and lived there for 3 years and she was released.

Guards: Yandere-Chan you're now released for prison.

As Yandere-Chan don't know what to do, she sees someone that she can remember a little...

???: *On the phone* Yeah, let's hang out later, sure. Really? OMG, she can't even get herself to focus. At the cafe okay? Yeah like near our villa---

The person stop talking after seeing Yandere-Chan...

???: Yan... Yande... Yandere-Chan?!

Yandere-Chan: Who are you? I can't remember anything but I feel like I know you...

???: It's me! Cha Si Ah!

Yandere-Chan: Feels like I heard that name...

Si Ah: Come on! Escape buddies? You can't remember?

Yandere-Chan: No...

Si Ah: *Gasp* You were hit by a car! Do you have amnesia?!

Yandere-Chan: I think so... I can't remember anything.

Si Ah: I'm sorry I didn't accompany you last time we met, I just escaped... I know I'm a bad friends... So do you have any home to live in?

Yandere-Chan: I don't know

While they are talking some people are mumbling while passing them...

Person: Is that Yandere-Chan? It is the murderer. I need to run quickly!

Person: How come she just gets out of jail?! She don't deserve living in peace...

Si Ah: Follow me Yandere-Chan, I have a home. You can settle in with me

As Yandere-Chan got inside Si Ah's home, they chatted a lot about Yandere-Chan's condition.

Si Ah: Do you really have amnesia?! Oh no! I'll help you remember anything. For now, go to sleep. There's a bed at the guest room, sleep well!

As she sleeps...

Yandere-Chan: *Evil laugh* Oh no she didn't steal my senpai! Goodluck girl

Kokona Haruka: Bye Senpai! I have to go somewhere el---

Yandere-Chan: You! what are you doing?

Kokona Haruka: Stop! Get lost! Don't hold my arm!

Yandere-Chan pulls out a knife and kills the girl...

Kokona Haruka: Are you crazy?! Stop touching m---

Yandere-Chan: One down, more to go... *Evil laugh*

Yandere-Chan wakes up very shocked...

Yandere-Chan: Was that me?! I can remember my Senpai now! Thank God that's just a dream...

She went to Si Ah to ask something about her dream...

Yandere-Chan: Si Ah! Why am I in prison last time?

Si Ah: You killed people Yandere, you killed students when you're in high school, like 3 years ago.

Yandere-Chan: Why did I do that? (Was that because of my Senpai?)

Si Ah: I don't know, oh by the way, you should enroll to a school, you're pretty young. Go on find a school.

She tries to remember her dream so that she can find a hint on what school that was, so that she can see her Senpai.

Yandere-Chan: (Was it Akademi High? I'll enroll now) Bye Si Ah I have to go somewhere else!

She tris to find that school but how much she tries, she can't find that school... but then she saw someone with the same uniform at her dream.

Yandere-Chan: I can't find my Senpai *Crying* (Wait is that the same uniform in my dream? I think the school I'm looking for is close by.)

She walked a few steps and found Akademi High, where her Senpai is.

Yandere-Chan: This is it! (But I need to act as if I'm a normal person and I changed. I can remember all now! That Kokuma Jutsu made me in jail! She'll pay for that! But I need to act that I have amnesia though, it's showtime...)

Yandere-Chan: Excuse me where can I enroll here?

???: In the office. Wait are you themurderer? *Gasp* How come you did that to someone?! Don't you have parents to guide you?!

The students rans away and Yandere-Chan was day dreaming of what the student said

???: Oh my little child! I hope you grow in beauty! *Singing*

Yandere-Chan: Mommy!

???: Oh Chan! You talked! Honey! Our Chan talked!

Dad: Really Chan?

Mom: She said Mommy! I'm so glad I can raise you well my Chan. Honey let's go to the market I have something to buy, let's bring Chan with us.

Dad: I'll ready the car.

As they sing along inside the car, Chan's dad was distracted and a huge truck will hit their car...

Dad: Oh sweetheart Chan! you will grow gracefully!

Mom: Honey! A tru---

Yandere-Chan was again, shocked!

Yandere-Chan: (Was that my parents and.. and.. me? Why do I get this horrible dream?!) I better get enroll now.

Yandere-Chan quicky went to the Principal's Office and since she's in prison for 3 years, there's a different Principal.

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