I got up and turned to him with tears in my eyes and small sad smile on my face. "Yes Tom you're so smart that's why I know you're going to make an excellent father for the children. I am going to die just like your mother did, during child birth." I said sadly hearing my voice crack numerous times. I walked up to Tom seeing his face in a form of confusion and thoughtfulness. He looked at me with a look I've never seen on his face before, it was a look of defeat and utter sadness. I knew he wouldn't admit it but his mother's death influenced him more than he believed it did, and for the woman giving birth to his children to die the same way it would damage him in ways unimaginable. That was when he took me into his arms for the first real embrace he's ever given me. I knew that my curse was drowning out his, I knew it from the beginning but only now did I see that it was truly working. All it took was one true heart break. "You're going to be fine Tom. Everything is going to be okay." I said whilst trying to hold by my tears.

  I knew that he saw in me the maternal love he never received, that's why he refused to accept the care and worry I chose to feel for him because he didn't want to loose me like he lost his mom, and now that he knows what's going to happen to me he finally understood how much it actually meant to him. How much it truly meant to him to have someone care for him as deeply as to mother his children and love them unconditionally as well as to bother to care for him. His wife would soon die giving birth to his twins and I knew it had a huge effect on him. His admiration isn't given sparingly it's given when someone does something that benefits him at the expense of themselves, and that's what I was doing for him.

"Tom I don't want you to worry okay? You're going to make an amazing father I know you will." I said pulling back from his embrace.

"You're going to live, there has to be something I can do

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"You're going to live, there has to be something I can do. I'm going to-" I cut him off. "Look at you trying to help out others, I'm honored that you're trying Tom but I don't want you to waste your time on a lost cause when there's so much more we can do with this time." I told him taking his hand in mine and squeezing it comfortingly.

   "This isn't a lost cause Roslyn, I want you to get ready and meet me outside by the back lake. I promise you we're going to figure this out you will get to raise the children with me, you're going to live forever." He told me before leaving. He must've gotten dressed while I was having my melt down. He needed to know the truth so he could prepare for what's to come so he won't go on a rampage and kill the kids in the process. I knew in our months we spent getting to know each other that he cared for me, not for the things he said but in the things he did and he just proved to me what I had suspected. When I die it'll be because I love his children too much to trade their lives for mine, that will be the last step in Tom's unintentional pursuit of the ability to love. I know how he is about death this is going to get him all bent out of shape. I did as Tom said and got dressed. I don't understand why he wants his seven months pregnant wife to make her way all the way to the black lake. I spotted Tom standing by and tree with his nose buried into a book.

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