"Let's say I do believe you and you are pregnant with my heir. Why now? Why do I need an heir born in this time and not in the future?" He asked trying to get information out of me. "He- er you did not have time to wait for the child to grow up. You needed your heir already grown up by that time. An heir has a very special purpose to you, that's where I come in," I said placing my hands on my stomach. We stood in silence as I gave him time to process all of this. "So you're pregnant with my heir?" He asked clarifying everything a final time. "Surprise!" I said sarcastically in mock excited voice trying to force a smile.

"And you did this voluntarily?" He asked

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"And you did this voluntarily?" He asked. "Not exactly," I said as I looked towards the ground. "Did-did we-" he said at a loss for words as he motioned between the two of us. "Did we what?" I asked in confusion. He scratched the back of his head looking down at his wand awkwardly. "Oh wait did you mean-" I stopped myself trying to figure out if he was asking if he and I had done the deed. I searched his face seeing the hesitation confirming my assumption. "Oh, oh no," I said with a short laugh. "You and I uh we aren't that close," I said trying to hold back my disgust at the idea of doing it with Voldemort. "Thankfully the future possesses a way for this to happen without....that," I said bashfully. "Thankfully?" He asked with an amused expression probably seeing how uncomfortable the subject made me. "Very thankfully," I reassured him with a disgusted look on my face. "I don't think anyone would take lightly to a 70 year old shacking up with a 17 year old, especially me. Therefore I took the bullet another way, and here we are," I said motioning to my stomach. "I believe I understand why I chose you," Tom smirked. "Really why?" I asked him genuinely curious. "Any other woman would be crying over herself in dread," he said. "You seem to believe in the cause," he observed, maybe I was too good of an actress. "I gave up crying the moment my fate was sealed," I told him truthfully. "Whether I like it or not this my life now. As far as I'm concerned I'm pregnant with the heir of the darkest wizard of all time, and there's not much I can do about it now," I said in a sorrowful tone of voice. Tom stopped in his tracks. "I am the greatest wizard of all time?" Is that really all he got from that? "Yes, congratulations on being scary," I said dismissively. "So what are we going to do?" I asked him suddenly. "About what?" He asked. "Well we are having a baby. Do you have any plans? Any directions from your future self? Anything?" I asked hoping he could say something that would ease my mind about this baby bomb. I had though that all would be solved with the letter and he'd receive some sort of instructional words. He looked stumped for a second which worried me as I was advised to look to him for guidance. "We have 9 months to make plans," he said taking notice to my worried look. "Yes you're right," I said as I tried to soothe my nerves. "We have 9 months until you and I.....are to have a baby," I stated almost not believing it myself. "How are you taking this so well?" I asked him observing his calm demeanor. "If I am to be honest I'm not sure I am," he said as he crossed his arms leaning his back against the wall for support. Maybe he wasn't taking this well at all. "We can do this," I said suddenly as he raked his hand through his hair. "How hard can it be?" I asked trying to take on a positive tone. I looked in the mirror in front of us seeing Tom's reflection with his head in his hands. I then looked at me and turned to the side looking at my stomach not expecting to see any difference, but staring my my stomach in wonder seemed to give me hope. I turned again to stare at my stomach head on. I looked up from my stomach to see his reflection catching him already looking at me. I looked between the two of us and then back down at my stomach in the mirror. We've got a long road ahead of us. "Well," I said instantaneously. "I hope it's a girl," I spoke with humor in my voice as I turned towards him. That seemed to snap him back to reality. "It's quite late," he said stepping away from the wall. "Allow me to escort you back to the common room." He looked a little frazzled as he rushed towards the door. "Hey," I said suddenly as I caught his arm stopping him in his tracks. "You look like you're going to pass out," I said as I moved to face him noticing his face was looking more pale than normal. "I know this is sudden believe me I know neither of us are ready for this, but we're in this together. There's a reason you chose this time to have the baby, trust in yourself," I told him as he regained his composure. "And there's a reason I chose you as well. Trust in me," he said attempting to bring me some sort of comfort with his words. I had every hope he wouldn't fail the baby and I though I'm not sure what that would even look like. I assume he will find some sort of way to support the baby and I. I just dropped a huge bomb on him, and now he has a whole new world of responsibilities to take on. If it didn't hit him yet it's sure to hit him in the morning. We walked to the common room in silence, both of us probably wondering how we've become so important to each other in such a short amount of time. It all comes down the the baby within my womb that binds us together.

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