Ch. 23- Introducing... Amusement Park!

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[Sloth, Lust, Pride, & Greed pairs]

-An indoor amusement park with an artificial sun-

Mahiru: "Wooow. Talk about always perfect weather."

Tetsu: "These kind of things exist?"

Misono: "Of course. Don't be so surprised."

Hyde: "Haha! Here I am standing out besides Licht while the sun is out!"

Licht: "It's fake, dumb Hyde."

Hyde: "I know~ But still!"

Kuro: "Fake or not, it's making my eyes hurt." *shade eyes with his hand* "What a pain."

Mahiru: "So, what should we ride first?"

Hyde: "How about a roller coaster?"

Licht: "No."

Hyde: *smirk* "Are you scared, Angel-babe?"

Licht: "As if. I have something else in mind." *looks over to the theater stage*

Hyde: *slumps* "Huh? You want to watch a show?"

Misono: "That sounds nice. I don't have the heart- I mean- energy to go on a ride right now."

*Lily chuckles into his fist*

Tetsu: "Are you scared, Shorty?"

Misono: *crosses arms indignantly* "Of course not!"

Hugh: "I, on the other hand, wouldn't mind riding something." *looks around* "Let's see, how about that?" *points*

Tetsu: "Mega... Drop? Okay."

Lily: "Hmm, it seems we all differ in ideas for fun. Let's split up for now."

Mahiru: "Right. Tetsu, Hugh, you're with me and Kuro."

Hugh: "For this 'Mega Drop?'"

*Mahiru nods*

Hugh: "Then, agreed."

Hyde: "Oh... That leaves us and the brat with bro-" *sees Licht walking off* "Hey, Licht, wait!"

Misono: "Fine. We could meet up later for lunch. Come, Lily."


[Lust & Greed pair]

*At the theater stage*

Hyde: *thinking* 'I see... why Licht wanted to watch a show.'

*Licht's eyes are dazzling, watching dogs and cats doing tricks on the stage*

Misono: "Wow. It's amazing how they could do that."

Lily: "I could make quite a show myself." *starts stripping*

Misono: *flustered* "Quit it with th-that!"

*Soon, the act was over*

Hyde: *sigh* "Can we go now?"

Licht: *leers* "You're a curmudgeon."

Hyde: "You're like a child that's easily entertained! Someone could just dangle keys in front of your face and you-"

*Hyde gets smacked to the floor*

Licht: *stomps Hyde's head* "What was that?"

Misono: *whisper-shout* "You two are going to make a scene...!"

??: "Now, introducing the next act...!"

*Licht and Hyde continues to scuffle*

??: "... It's me, Belkia!"

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