Ch. 12- Introducing... New Year's Eve! (part 1)

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[Sloth, Pride, & Greed pairs]
-White Water Hot Springs-

The Eves and Servamps were milling around chattering in a room provided by Tetsu. They just finished celebrating Kuro's birthday, but now it's New Year's Eve.

-Flashback, earlier that day-

Mahiru: "Are you sure we could borrow this room?"

Tetsu: "Don't worry about it. When I told my parents it was for a friend's birthday, they allowed us. Business calmed down a bit after Christmas."

Mahiru: "What a break! Thanks for this. Too bad Misono couldn't make it since he's still on vacation."

Tetsu: *shrugs* "Maybe next time."

-End of flashback-

Hyde: "Let's play a game!"

Kuro: "A video game?"

Hyde: "No, the King's Game!"

Everyone else: "No."

Hyde: Σ(゚д゚lll) "Such spoil sports!"

*Tetsu's is called, and he leaves the room*

Hyde: "Why doesn't anyone want to play...?"

Hugh: *crosses arms* "I do not intend to break my pride playing a game of chance."

Kuro: "I just want to play my video games."

Mahiru: *quickly coming up with an excuse* "I-I was about to go take a dip in the springs."

Licht: "It's a stupid game."

Hyde: "You guys are no fun!"

*Tetsu comes back. Kranz followed after him, carrying a bowl of eggnog*

Kranz: "Hello. I came by to drop off a holiday drink: eggnog!"

Mahiru: "Oh, thanks." *gets up to retrieve it* "You're not going to stay for the party?"

Kranz: (^-^) "It's fine. I'm tired. This is leftover eggnog from Gil's Christmas gathering. I thought I could give it to you guys as an apology for not being able to attend the party longer."

Mahiru: "Ah, I see."

Tetsu: "At least you paid a visit."

*Kranz wished everyone a Happy New Year and left*

Mahiru: "Eggnog is really sweet."

Hugh: "But since he gave it to us, we might as well drink it."

*Everyone got a fill in their cup*

*Tetsu was called for assistance again so he had to leave the room*

Tetsu: "Excuse me. You guys could go ahead and drink before me." *leaves*

*They all drink except Mahiru*

Kuro: *to Mahiru* "You don't want to try it?"

Mahiru: "No, you guys go ahead. I was thinking of waiting for Tetsu so we could all make a toast."

Kuro: "Hmm..." *looks down at the drink* "This taste..."

*Licht puts his cup down and touches his temple*

Hyde: "Something the matter, Angel-cakes?"

Licht: "I... I'm fine."

Hyde: "You don't look the part."

Hugh: "Eggnog, huh?" *lifts his cup above him* "It has alcohol in it."

Mahiru: !! "Alcohol?!"

Hugh: "Yes. A considerable amount, as well."

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