Ch. 02- Introducing... Yaoi!

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[Hyde and Licht]

Hyde: *hanging on the roof's ledge of a building. Signs a peace sign with the high view of the street in the background*

*Get up from the ledge and sits*

*Posts selfie on Face**k*

Hyde: "Oh, better post it on my other social media accounts too."

*Posts on Inst*gram and Tw*tter*

*Instantly receives a lot of notifications of likes and comments*

*Hyde takes time to read them. Some are compliments on his looks, some declaring him as a daredevil, and some wanting to just hit him up*

*Lays back, scrolling down other posts of people when he saw an interesting one*

"YAOI IS LOVE YAOI IS LIFE!! 😩😍😍💦👀 i honestly wouldnt be able to live if yaoi didnt exist!! #yaoi #drooling #hardcorefangirl #icandiehappynowbecauseiknowyaoiexists"

Hyde: "What's this yaoi?"

*Checks comments and many were gushing over this "yaoi"*

Hyde: "Nothing like a simple internet search to find your answer."

*Searches word "yaoi"*

*A site pops up and Hyde doesn't hesitate to tap on it*

*Instantly... pictures of boy love pops up! Some cute and some more perverted*

Hyde: *starts to blush* "This... is yaoi? It's just a bunch of males touching each other and... are they having sex? How...?"

*Scrolls feverishly down the page spotting countless fan art*

Hyde: "There's so much... How could they like this..." *sees one with two males kissing* "Uh..."

*Hyde jolts as the door to the roof crashes open*

Licht: "There you are. You know we can't be too far from each other, idiot. I'm not going to die because you can't follow your stupid contract rules."

Hyde: "Angel-babes!" *still blushing and stands up* "Of course! Uh, it's lunch time already? Shall we go then?"

Licht: *leers closely at him and his red face* "Is there something wrong?"

Hyde: *shakes head a bit too hard and shrugs* "You are actually worried about me?"

Licht: "Shut up, you rotten hedgehog."

*Hyde still shook from what he seen*

-At a restaurant-

Kranz: "Over here, you two!" *waves them over from a table*

*Hyde and Licht goes over to the table and sits in the same booth. Tap water is instantly served*

*After a bit, they took their orders, Hyde did absentmindedly, still thinking about yaoi*

Hyde: *thinking* 'I mean, it's not that bad.' *recalls the fan art of the two males kissing in his mind and he blushes*

Kranz: "Hyde, are you all right? Your face is holding a stronger shade of red than usual."

Hyde: *snaps to the present* "Huh? Oh yeah. Nah, I'm fine."

Kranz: "Do you have a fever?"

Hyde: "What? No. Stop worrying. Is my face that red?" *touches his own cheek and thinks* 'My face does feel warmer.'

*Suddenly, Licht turns Hyde toward him and rests his forehead against the vampire's*

Licht: "What are you hiding, demon?"

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