Ch. 11- Introducing... Christmas!

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[Greed & Sloth pair]
-Greed pair's place-

Licht: "... How long are you going to sleep?"

Hyde: "Mm?" *opens eyes*

*Licht's already dressed in his usual attire*

*Hyde looks at the bedside table for the digital clock*

*It read 6:17 AM*

Hyde: *breathes out, smiling* 'Licht just loves Christmas, doesn't he?' *aloud* "I'm up, I'm up."

*Licht leaves the room, possibly to go wake up the others*

*Eventually, everyone gathered around the tree once they washed up*

Everyone: "Merry Christmas!" \(≧∇≦)/

Kranz: "Who should open their presents first?"

Kuro: *points at himself* "Can I?"

Mahiru: "K-Kuro. Maybe L—"

Licht: "It's fine. I don't mind opening last, in fact."

Hyde: "Yes! Save the best for last. My Angel-babes!"

Kranz: "I don't mind if Sleepy Ash goes first, too."

Mahiru: "Oh. I guess you can go then, Kuro."

*Kuro opens his presents. Most were of video games, imperishable foods, and a new game system*

*One was a big present, comprised of many bowl ramen!*

Kuro: "Thank you for the presents..." *turns into a cat and cuddles against a cat plush that Mahiru got him*

*Next, it was Kranz's turn to unwrap*

*He got stuff*

*After him was Mahiru*

*He got a bunch of cleaning equipment, some sports equipment  (like a soccer ball, a bat, catcher's glove, baseballs, etc.) for down time, gift cards... And a maid costume?!*

Mahiru: *blushing* "Wh-what is this?" *lifts the maid uniform from its box*

*Mahiru look over at Hyde in confusion*

*Licht look over at Hyde in disgust*

*Kranz look over at Hyde in small amusement*

Hyde: "Wh-why is everyone looking at me?!"

Licht: "I mean, you're the only pervert in here."

Hyde: "I wouldn't do that! Unless it's you." *referring to Licht*

Licht: *looks even more disgusted* "You freaking perverted, rotten hedgehog!"

Kuro: *looks up from the cat plush* "Oh, that's from me. I figured since you like cleaning so much, might as well have a uniform for it."

Mahiru: *face getting redder* "But why a maid costume?"

Kuro: *closes eyes, snuggling with the cat plush again* "I think you'll look good in it."

Mahiru: (>///<) "How could you say that so casually?!"

Hyde: *laughs* "While they have their moment, why don't I open my presents?"

*He opens them. They're mostly cosplay and clothes*

Hyde: "What the heck?"

Licht: "Be grateful, you rotten hedgehog."

Hyde: "I am... It's just I'm wondering if I will ever wear some of this stuff."

Kuro: "They're good to wear in bed."

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