Ch. 24- Introducing... Lawless/Hyde's Birthday (6/24)

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A/N- It's not like I forgot Lawless/Hyde's birthday or anything, lololol... 😂😅 I just thought it was on the 27th! (6/26/18)

-Greed residence-

Hyde: *wakes up, stretching* "It's morning already?" *puts on his glasses* "I wonder... If I leave my room-"

*Hyde slams his bedroom door open and leaps out into the hall*

Hyde: "-will someone wish me a Happy Birthday?!"

*The whole place is quiet*

Hyde: 'Huh? Is no one home?'

*He starts searching the rooms*

Hyde: 'No one is home!' *puts hand to chin* 'Maybe they're throwing a party for me somewhere else...' *checks phone* 'No texts. Hmm, then I should go searching!'

*Goes over to the front door and opens it*

*Instantly, the sunlight streams in and Hyde morphs into his animal form*

Hyde: 'Damn. Why does the sun have to be so hot?' *skitters out*


Hyde: 'Maybe the party's at Brother Sloth's place?'

*He rides up the elevator and patters over to Mahiru & Kuro's apartment door*

Hyde: *morphs into his human form and tries the door* 'Huh. If there was a party here, the door would be unlocked, right? ... Unless...'

*Hyde breaks down the door with his summoned rapier*

Hyde: *in glee* "Really! You shouldn't have!"


*The place is empty*

Hyde: Σ(゚д゚lll)"Not here, too?!"


*Stares at the pieces of the door on the floor*

Hyde: "Uh..."

*In the end, Hyde left the apartment complex*

Hyde: 'Maybe they went to celebrate at the hot springs as a way to have fun and relax!'

*Visits White Water Hot Springs*

*In his hedgehog form, Hyde skitters pass the reception desk and down the hall to Hugh's room*

*Once he found it...*

Hyde: *morphs into his vampire form and leans against the sliding door to listen* 'It's quiet. They're waiting for me to enter!'

*Quickly slides the door open*

Hyde: "Oh, what a-!"

*The room is empty*

Hyde: *disappointed* "... surprise."

*He left the place as a hedgehog*

Hyde: 'They're really making a game out of this. Next is... Brother Lust's place.' *realizes and laughs* 'Of course! His Eve has a big mansion! The party would likely be there.'

*Hyde made his way to the Lust residence*


*Once Hyde reached his destination, he uses his head to push against the mansion's door*


*It doesn't open*

Hyde: 'Just like before, the door won't budge... That must mean they're not here, too.' *sighs* "Ah, damn it! Where, then?!"

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