I stopped ranting in my head when I heard a cute bark and a small ball of fur rolling down the faint steep from the bush and fall into my lap.

I looked at it and bit my lip.


I raised my hand and touched it and immediately fell in love with the touch. I let out a grin and raised it up.

A gasp left my lips when I saw what it was.

A puppy!

I grinned widely again and stood up while carefully carrying the puppy with me.

"Who's a good boy?" I cooed as I scratched down its neck as it gave me another bark and licked my nose.

I chuckled as I raised it up higher away from my face. My eyes fell on a folded paper attached to its neck by its color.

I sat down again with the puppy on my lap and carefully took the paper out from its color and unfolded it.

Hi! I'm Boe. And I have been gifted to you by the sexiest Arab man alive!

I rolled my eyes. The number of times he called himself that, is ridiculous.

And I will be accompanying you in game. Here is your next clue.

I scrunched my face in confusion when there wasn't anything written after that. I turned the paper around and had no luck either.

It took me by surprise when Boe just jumped out of my lap and ran heading towards nowhere in particular. But then again, it's a forest with nothing but trees, so all the places pretty much look the same. I think.

"Boe!" I squeaked and called out for him. He disappeared behind the bush.

"Boe!" I let out a breath again and got up before dusting my dress. I sighed and narrowed my eyes at the bush, Boe had run off too.

"Boe!" I deadpan once again and drag myself there.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" I squeaked when Boe started barking impatiently.

I begrudgingly crouched down and peeked into the bush to find Boe. My face repulsed back when I felt a small soft something wet my nose.

My eyes widen from the impact for it to only adapt to my succeeding chuckle once the thought that, 'it had only been Boe' seeped in.

I continued chucking and he kept barking urging me to follow(I think). I frowned.

What is he up to?

I followed him as his little tail waggled up his bum as he cutely paddled over to a tree with a familiar folded note nailed onto it.

It was an apple tree.

I tilted my head and snatched the note before unfolding it, curious to know my next mission.

I see that Boe had taken you to the right place. Just like I trained him to ;) good boy!

And subconsciously, Boe barked. I raised an eyebrow at it wondering how he had barked as if he had known what I read. I grinned and him and shook my head and went back to reading the paper.

Clue/task three: pick an apple and eat it.

I blinked. That's it? Well.... Okay.

I picked the nearest apple right beside me that hung down gracefully from the bend-down-branch and munched right into it.

I proceeded to take a bite right after my third bite when I tasted something funny. I scrunched my face it confusion and looked at the bitten apple to find it all purple inside.

Blaire ✔ (Not edited)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora