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Her high-heels clipped down the dusty sidewalk. 

Clip-Clop... clip-clop... 

Her red dress flurried in the wind; she held her handbag close to her hip. 


Suddenly, a new set of footsteps joined her own. They slowly grew faster and faster, so she decided to do the same. She didn't turn around; she started to take small, quick steps, passing the fluorescent shop windows. The cars hooted. A taxi-driver yelled at a passerby. Her high-heels clipped against the concrete. The footsteps behind her rhythmically grew faster. Some buried instinct rose from the grave and she started running. The footsteps behind her copied her actions. 

The wind tousled her hair. Clip-clop. Shop doors closed. Clip-clop. Music blared from a passing car. Clip-clop. Tyres screeched. Clip-clop. 

She felt a force from behind grab her dress, tearing off a small piece of fabric. Calloused, pale hands finally grabbed her delicate, cold skin. They forced her to turn. Her heel broke, causing her ankle to scream in pain. She lost balance. Her head hit the pavement. Blood trickled down her forehead. The blade pierced her. Her last breaths left her painted lips like peaceful mist. 

He grabbed her bag. Pried her phone from her hands. Took her earrings. Her jewel necklace she had received for her 26th birthday. Her wedding ring. 

And off he ran, into the cold evening, his feet hitting the pavement her's had done moments before. 

What did the thief take first? 

creds cheeky_fries

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