Your Average Cab

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A man ran out of the bank and straight onto the street, where he hopped into an empty cab. He was going to be late. 

"Please take me to 357 Riverside Drive", he muttered, getting himself comfortable in the backseat. 

The cab driver locked the doors and began to drive.

 "He was a silent cabbie, not one of those who would ask questions, good", the man thought. 

The man sat back in the cab watching the route.Then out of nowhere, the driver made a right where he should've gone straight. The man paid closer attention to the cabbie. Horrified that they were going the wrong way, he tried to open his door, but it was locked. 

"Relax, it's probably a short cut," the man told himself. 

"Excuse me, we are going to 357 Riverside Drive, correct?" the man asked. 

The driver chuckled, then picked up his walkie-talkie and said, "I'm on my way now."

The man sat back glaring at the back of the driver's head through the ballistic glass, desperate to get out of the cab. He tried the doors once more, but the wouldn't budge. He tried to open the windows, also wouldn't open. 

"Pull over right here," said the man, unfastening his seatbelt. 

The driver chuckled and turned up the radio. With his foot on the gas pedal, he quickly accelerated. Eventually, they pulled up to a spooky building. The man started to panic as other men surrounded the car. The man looked frantically at the driver's face, but he was smiling. 

The man felt trapped. As he looked through the windows of the cab, he realised he was stuck.

Who was the man and the taxi driver? 

creds to @ixAarmauforlife

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