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I walked through the Insitute to clear my mind about Emily but she was all I could think about. She was my best friend. I could have done something, what could I have done to change it all?

I walked into the main corridor and saw a person sleeping on the ground. I ran over to the person thinking they were either asleep or dead. It was a woman with familiar blonde hair. I flipped her over on her back and it was Emily. There was a note next to her, from Sebastian.

Well, If you are reading this you just found Emily. She is not dead but she does not remember the past seven years of her life because I, Sebastian Morgenstern, gave the love of my life, Emily Starkweather, a memory potion. The reason I did this was to keep her safe. She is your Emily again, Alec. Don't let her see me or her memories will come back. Keep her safe, Alec or I will kill you.
Sebastian Morgenstern
P.S. She is in the phase were she is addicted to Yin Fen, don't let her out of your sight around that damn vampire.

"Jace! Magnus!" I shouted across the institute. I instantly heard many steps running across the institute.

"Alec! What's wrong?" Jace asked with everyone following him. I handed him the letter and he read it out loud. "That makes no sense. Why would he do that."

"Well, it says in the letter that he wanted to keep her safe." Magnus said as I picked her up bridal style and carried her to the Infirmiry.

"If what your saying is true why wouldn't he keep his most powerful weapon?" Clary asked.

"Because he truly does love her." I sighed. "That's the only explanation I can think of."


I woke up and my eyes fluttered open to see a face immediately recognized. "Blue? What happened? Why am I here?" I asked him.

"What's the last thing you remember?" Blue, aka Alec asked.

"The last thing I remember is Raph taking me on a date last night, we went to Taki's Diner." I awnsered, Blue grabbed my hand.

"Blondie, that was seven years ago." Blue looked at me sympathetically as I scratched my bare left arm. Once I noticed it was bare I freaked out a little bit.

"W-what do you mean, it's been seven years, Alec? Where's Jace, Izzy, Max and Dad?" I asked.

"Max is in Idris with Mom, Jace and Izzy are in the library and Hodge betrayed us and now is doing time in the Silent City." He lied.

"I want her questioned under the mortal sword!" I heard Robert Lightwood yell at someone.

"Blue, what did I do?" I asked with worried eyes.

"Something that you will find out soon amd I won't tell you till after you get questioned under the mortal sword." Blue sighed as Robert Lightwood bursted into the room with Shadowhunters I didn't know. One was a red head, the other was kind of nerdy looking, another reminded me of Jonathan Shadowhunter, but I saw Jace amd Izzy and a few other Shadowhunters I didn't care about. Then I saw two Warlocks, Stella Bane, my blood donor and Magnus Bane, Stella's twin brother. "Arrest her."

"What? Why?" I demanded, confused as hell. Two unknown Shadowhunters secured me and escorted me to a portal.

"You are under arrest for associating with Sebastian Morgenstern, raising a greater demon, associating wirh Valentine Morgenstern, murder of the warlock Tessa Gray, murder of many Shadowhunters including your own sister, the illegal use of Yin Fen, and helping raising Sebastian Morgenstern from the dead, twice." The unknown Shadowhunter told me.

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