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"Clary, we are letting you go." Seb said to his sister, she looked confused.

"Why?" Clary asked.

"You are really going to ask?" I asked. "We're letting you go."

"Emily is going to make a portal for you to go though." Seb told her. "Love, if you would." Than I made a portal.

"This portal will take you straight to the New York Institute." I told her. Than without another word she left.


I walked through the portal, quickly and it let me out in front of the institute. I walked in and went straight to the library and Jace, Simon, Alec, Magus and Izzy just looked at me. Than Jace quickly came up to me and hugged me.

"How did you escape?" Magnus asked.

"I didn't, they let me go. I don't know why they just did." I said as I hugged Jace back.

"Did they hurt you?" Jace asked.

"No, but Emily flipped me over her shoulder because I had a knife to her throat." I sighed.

"Clary, I know you are a fully trained Shadowhunter now but to face her, you'll need a lot more training. She used to easily beat Jace. Heck, she easily beat her father when she trained, she is probably even better than Valentine or Sebastian." Alec explained.

"Jace, can I talk to you outside?" I asked him and he nodded and we walked outside of the library.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I was going to tell you the night we got married but Sebastian had to ruin it." I sighed. "Jace, I'm pregnant." I looked at his shocked face waiting for what he was going to say next.

"Really?" He asked almost hopefully.

"Yes." I confirmed, his eyes started watering down his face and than he hugged me, tightly and I hugged him back.

"Clary?" I heard my mother's voice say. Jace let go of me and I let go of him and she instantly embraced me.

"Mom." I smiled, embracing her back.

"Clary, how did you escape?" Luke asked.

"I didn't. They let me go." I sighed as Mom let me go and gave me a slight confused look. "I don't know why either."

"It's honestly a little sketchy." He told me.

"The important thing is that she is home, safe." Mom said. "Now is it true what we heard before I said your name? That you are pregnant?"

"Yes." Is all I said.


"Sebastian would never just release someone." I sighed.

"Alexander, we can't know if Emily had something to do with Clary's release." Magnus told me.

"I just hope it is." I looked at him.

"Alec. Even if she does begin to help us, the Clave will probably strip her of her runes or excute her, so it would almost be better if she is helping us to stay with Sebastian." My little sister explained.

"In her last Journal entry she said she wanted to be stripped of her runes. There were so many things going on in her life she didn't feel comfortable telling me." I looked at my sister.

"Do you think she is doing this because she still wants to be stripped of her runes?" Simon asked.

"I-i don't know." I awnsered.


"Love, we need to talk." Sebastian said with worried eyes.

"What's wrong, Seb?" I asked him, worried about him. Before hamd I was sitting on the couch reading the Black Volume, I got it from Malcolm Fade, whom I killed to get this book. Seb sat down next to me and I put the Black Volume on the coffee table.

"If we get caught by the Clave." He began, "This is harder than I thought it would be." He took a deep breath, "If we get caught by the Clave, I don't want you to get arrested for something I asked you to help me with. How good are you at making memory potions, that go back 6, 7 years?"

"Seb, you don't understand." I sighed.

"What don't I understand?" He asked, confused.

"Before, you saved me. The other reason I was doing Yin Fen was because I wanted my runes to be stripped. I hated my life before this, before you. Plus they couldn't take away my magic, even if they wanted to. I would at least be a Warlock. I would probably even be more powerful than I already am." I explained.

"Please, Emily, for me. It would kill me to see you being tortured like that. I can't see you be stripped of your rune. Please, love, for me." He pretty much begged and took my hands in his. He than batted his beautiful onyx eyes at me, begging me to agree. I than sighed, giving in.

"Fine but only because I can tell you really need this." I told him as I lightly placed my hand on the side of his face.

"Thank you, Love." He smiled than kissing me, I kissed back.

"You're welcome." I smiled at him. "But first we need to raise your mother."

"You're more important to me, Love." He told me.

"I love you, Sebastian." I told him honestly.

"I love you, Emily." He said, smiling down at me.


We all walked into the library and I could tell Alec was on the verge of crying.

"Who wants good news to spite all the bad?" I asked them.

"What's the news?" Simon asked with a raised eyebrow.

"I'm pregnant." I said. Simon stood there shocked and Izzy smiled amd hugged me. Alec was trying to hide all of his emotions and Magnus was stunned but happy.

"Congrats, to the both of you." Izzy said, happily.

"A-are you serious?" Simon asked.

"Yes." Jace comfirmed.

"Biscuit is going to have a mini biscuit." Magnus said to himself and I chuckled as Izzy released me and Simon hugged me. Than Magnus hugged me and I'll have glitter on me for about a month.

"Congrats to the both of you." Alec said, looking at Jace. "Well, we need to fill Clary in on Blon- Emily."

"Okay, what's her history?" I asked.

"Her full name is Emily Lillian Starkweather. Her mother was Sarina Branwell and her half sister is Lydia Branwell and her father was Hodge. She bounced from the Portland institute to this one all the time. Alec, Izzy and I all knew her but Alec and her were closer than Parabati." Jace began.

"Than the last year she was here she was addicted to Yin Fen and dating Raphael, than Hodge kicked her out of the institute and went to go live with Raphael in the Hotel Dumort. Than he kicked her out and left her on a street corner to die. When your brother saved her and than spent a while in Brazil in a rehab center." Alec finished, "and besides her coming to help us save you than betraying us for her evil boyfriend we have nothing."

"Fiancee." I corrected. "I heard them talking about it."

"Does she know what he did to Max?" Alec asked facing the library window, watching the traffic down below.

"I don't know, Alec." I awnsered. "I barely saw them. I mainly easedropped."

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