The Betrayal

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The apartment where Clary is

The building had demons protecting it which was easy to take down. Blue, Jace, Simon, Izzy and I met at the door to the apartment.

"1.... 2.... 3" I whispered than breaking the door down. We found Sebastian siiting in the couch with a glass of whiskey and Clary tied up in a chair.

"Jace, Alec, Izzy, Simon, and Emily. Good to see you all once again." He smiled.

"It's not the best to see you again." Jace said.

"Hmm. I guess not." Seb said.

"Wait, what do you mean, see Emily again?" Izzy asked, confused

"Who do you think saved me from the Yin Fen?" I sighed.

"Clary's brother? The half demon?" Izzy stated.

"Yes." Is all I said, than I put my blade away.

"Emily? What's going on?" Jace asked.

"Would you like to tell them or shall I?" Seb smirked.

"This whole thing, was a trap. Lilith's death was real but that was part of the the plan." I sighed.

"Blondie..." I could hear the betrayal in Alec's voice.

"So, this is it?" Izzy said, pissed as I walked over to Sebastian. "You're the loyalist."

"You shouldn't be pissed at me. I should be pissed at the three of you!" I rose my voice. "Seven years. No one looked for me, didn't even try to message me and you except me to come running at the drop of the hat. I am talking to you, as well Alec. I am espically pissed at you. I expected you from the moment you heard I was never coming back to the institute to go looking for me or at least message me. Than I come back and you all think everything is okay and Yes, Izzy I am the one who brought Lilith back so that I could bring Seb back, I am the one who killed Tessa Gray for her blood."

"Emily, what would your mother amd father say?" Jace asked.

"They were both complete trash." I told them. "Who kicks your own child out just because she has a drug problem instead of trying to help them through it. What kinda of mother trys to literally kill you because you accidently broke a vase, training but I guess it runs in the Starkweather veins to betray the people you once called family."

"So this is were you where during the Dark War. You were following him." Alec stated pointing at Seb.

"Yes, I was." I confirmed.

"Emily, love, disarm them." Seb requested and I used my magic to disarm them.

"Love?" Simon said, confused.

"Did she forget to mention we are in a relationship?" Seb smirked.

"Yes, I did." I nodded..

"You crazy bitch." Izzy hissed at me.

"Not the first time someone has called me that, let's see last time I heard it was before I slit Tessa Gray's throat and drained her blood into a ritual bowl." I smirked.

"Why? Why kill Tessa?" Jace asked.

"A little bit of Shadowhunter blood, vampire blood and some warlock's blood. The most indestructible being in the world." I looked at Seb, as I said it.

"Wait. He's not a vampire?" Jace asked confused.

"He is, but a new breed of vampire." I smirked.

"After what he did to the Shadowhunters, you still follow him?" Alec asked.

"I helped formulate his plans, all of them. I wanted to see Idris burn." I sighed.

"You wanted revenge." Jace sighed. "So now what? You got us here what are you going to do now?"

"The moment you walked in a binding spell was placed on all of you. Binding you to the apartment. No one can leave except, Seb, Clary and me. Not to mention this thing is rigged to explode in....... One hour." I smirked.

"Say goodbye to your loved ones, while you can." Seb smirked and grabbed Clary and dragged her outside.

"And Alec, your boyfriend can't help you get out of this one." I smirked than left, following Seb.

Alec POV

"I guess it makes sense." Izzy said. "She is the last person we would expect to betray us." I pulled out my phone and dialed Magnus's number.

"Alexander." Magnus awnsered.

"Mags, I need you. Emily was the loyalist and led us into a trap. The moment we walked into they put a binding spell and a bomb is supposed to go off in an hour." I quickly explained.

"I'll be right there." Mags told me an than he hung up.

"She has a right to be pissed at us. She's right we didn't look for her or even contacted her to make sure she was okay." Jace said with tears in his eyes.

"This is not our faults, it's Hodge's. He's the one who told us not to try to contect her or try to find her. He was pissed at her." I said, than I realised something. "But there is one thing she did teach me and that was how to defuse a bomb. I always wondered why she knew that skill but who knew it would come in handy so soon. We just need to find the bomb."

"I don't think you can trust your training on this one Alec. She is probably the one who made the bomb." Simon told me and I knew he was right.

"But what if he has her under a spell or like what he did with you Jace. That isn't Emily. That is not my best friend. See I disobeyed Hodge's orders I sent her a fire message, more than one, I thought she was dead. Than I tracked her and she was a the Dumort and I thought she had been turned." I tried to reason.

"That is not your best friend, Alec. That is Sebasatian's girlfriend. She is not our Emily any more because you know what Alec, before I knew Clary I had the biggest crush on her. It upset me when you two started dating." Jace told me.

"When Emily and I dated she knew I was gay and we only dated to convince Mom and Dad that I was straight." I confessed.

"Stop it!" Izzy shouted. "This is not how we are going to die. We are not going to die arguing with each other but Jace is right that is not our Emily. That imposter is Sebastian's Emily. We all change, she just changed the most."

"I still don't believe it. I trusted her. She was my bestest (A/N I know that isn't a word but I don't care, it's my fan fic.) friend and I wouldn't be who I am without her." I told them than Magnus came through the door. "Mags."

"Alexander, are you okay?" He asked me, worried.

"I'm fine, just feeling alot of betrayal." I sighed. "Can you get us out of thus binding spell?"

"I can try, Emily is extremely powerful." Magnus told us than did his thing. "I think I just did you one better he than randonly said, I found the bomb."

"Do you still think Emily is under Sebastian's spell?" Jace asked.

"Yes." I sighed.

"Than disarm the bomb, there could be innocent people in the building and we don't want them to get hurt." He nodded.

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