The Comeback and The Fight

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Soon after Izzy had gotten a message back. She had them handed the message to me to read.


Its good to hear from you guys once again. I accept your offer. I will there tonight because fortunately I am in the city. Sorry I haven't contacted you guys in seven years but I have my reason which we can discuss later.

See you tonight,

Emily Starkweather

I knew she would come through for me. She always did. Anyway we had already taken Maia's body to the morgue. Simon was with Bat, consoling him, though I know he was worried aboit his parabati.

It took about an hour before Emily was here. She came into the institute like the badass she is. Wearing her black shinny leather jacket, with a black AC/DC, a mundane band, crop top, she wore black skinny jeans and combat boots.

"Hey Jace." She smiled as she saw me.

"Hey Em." I sadly smiled back. "Where have you been these past seven years?"

"Here and there." She shrugged. "So you habe a fiance."

"Yeah, I do." I smirked.

"Personally, to me it's kinda surprising. Espically with the way you used to talk." She told me. Than Izzy came into view.

"Emily!" Izzy smiled as she ran over us and engulfed Enily into a hug.

"Izzy!" Emily smiled hugging Izzy back. Then Izzy backed up.

"Where have you been?" Izzy asked.

"Brazil." She shrugged.

"What where you doing in Brazil?" I asked.

"Shadowhunter Rehab center." Em sighed.

"So it's true, you were addicted to Yin Fen." Alec said, revealing himself.

"Sadly, all because of a certain vampire." She shrugged. "Hey, Blue."

"Hey, Blondie." Alec smirked as they hugged. Alec and Emily were closer than any of us but she never wanted a Parabati but they were closer than twins.


"Hey, Blondie." Alec, my bestest friend told me. Now I am questioning if I will be able to do this.

"So, how lost where you guys without me?" I chuckled.

"I mean, I, was pretty lost without my bestest friend." Alec smiled, jokingly.

"I heard through the grapevine, that you kissed a warlock in the middle of Alicatine, not just any warlock but Magnus Bane." I smiled at him. "I'm proud of you, Blue."

"Thanks, Blondie." He replied messing up my hair. "Just so happens Magnus is the love of my life and I would love for you two, to meet."

"I'd be honoured." I smiled at him. "But first let's find his," I motioned to Jace, "fiancee. So, show me the scene of the crime."

"Follow me." Jace said as I followed him to the scene. "Maia, a werewolf, was killed and she is in the morgue if you need to see her."

"Thanks." I said as I pulled a kit from my bag. I opened the kit and pulled out a cotton swab and a Sensor, my Sensor was specically made. Instead of present demon energies it finds left over demon energy. I took the Sensor and turned it on. It beeped right where the portal had been. I swabbed it, I turned off the Sensor and put it in my pocket. I went back to the kit and put a sterile topper on the swab. I than picked up a test tube from my kit and put together a tracking potion, that consisted of, wolfsbane, graveyard dirt, blood of a greater demon, and ashes of a phenoix. "Okay, I would gear up, it's time to get your fiancee back. The moment I put the swab in the tracking potion it's going to take us to her."


"Mother, you need to go somewhere but here. Emily and mine plan, might get you killed but we will bring you back." I told my dear mother.

"What?!" She said panicked.

"She is going to 'force' the information out of you, and you are going to tell her we are here when we are going to be somewhere else." I explained. "To hold up her cover she kinda has to kill you."

"Fine but you have to summon me back." She sighed.

"I plan to." I agreed. "Oh, and she told me to tell you, don't take it easy on her."

"I won't." She smirked.


We, Jace, Alec, Izzy, Simon and I were running around New York following Lilith's demon energy.

"How the hell did you mange to be able to track, left over demon energy?" Simon asked.

"A magician never reveals her secrets." I smirked.

"Which means don't even try. She does the same with us, when ever we ask how she does it, she shut us down, and shuts us up." Blue sighed.

"Well Blue if you must know, Jace and Clary were made with Angel blood, Sebastian was made with demon blood, I was made with Warlock blood." I admitted. "So I have a little magic."

"Which is how you've been able to track greater demons all this time." Blue guessed.

"Yep." I agreed. Than we came up to a warehouse. "She's in there." I drew my blade. "I'll take lead. She's not just a greater demon, She's THE greater demon. Plus I know how to get the awnsers out of her." Then I pulled out my blade forged in angel blood. It is an artifact from my family blood line. Dad always said I wasn't worthy of it, till I showed him I was worthy of it.

"We've fought against her before, don't get yourself killed." Jace told me.

"I wouldn't be the Great, Greater Demon Hunter for nothing." I smirked and Jace chuckled. We than walked in, and Lilith was standing by an alter.

"Hmmm. I knew you would come see me eventually." Lilith said. "Espically since My son took your fiancee, but let me reasure you she hasn't hurt her.....yet."

"Lilith, where is Clary?" I asked sternly.

"Can't say." She said looking up. I then threw a knife that just barely missed her head.

"The next one will go in." I smirked.

"Oh, I don't think so." She smirked than threw us all against a wall.

"daemonium nos dimittere." I hissed and we were released. (Demon release us) She looked at me shocked.

"B-but how?" She asked confused as i walked towards her with my angle blood knife in hand.

"Nunc autem dic mihi, qua puella." I ordered her. (Now tell me where the girl is)

"The apartment buiding in Brooklyn, on 3rd Ave. Apartment 104." She  addmitted than I stabbed her.

"How the hell did you manage to do that?!" Simon asked panicked.

"A Shadowhunter that is half warlock is more powerful than a pure warlock." I shrugged.

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