The Sister and The Fight

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"Seb, it's time." I smirked as I finished drawing the Pentagram and placed the bowl of ingredients in the middle.

"Are you sure you need her blood for the potion?" Seb asked.

"Yes, if it was only a few days I would use a pure warlock's blood but I need a drop for every year, I need to forget." I sighed as I looked up to him. "Plus, spite my powers we still need her to summon demons for our plan."

"You're not wrong. You maybe able to summon my mother but you can't het full access to Edom." He sighed.

"Even though the father of the warlock who gave their blood to Valentine is Asmodaus." I sighed.


This is impossible. I took the energy left over from Clary's trip through Emily's portal, to find her magic is similar to mine. I don't remember givong anyone my blood, unless I was too drunk to realise it.

"Magnus, what is it?" Alexander asked.

"Her energy, it's similar to mine." I told him.

"How is that possible?" He asked.

"Could be one out of two things, one of my very drunken nights or my twin sister that I haven't talked to for 200 years." I quickly said that last part.

"Sister?" He said surprised.

"Her name is Stella Bane. My mother liked stars, so she named her after them." I explained. "I don't even know if she is alive." Than my phone rang. I looked at it and an unkown number texted me.

Meet me in your apartment in 5min
-someone you haven't seen in a long time

"We need to get to the apartment." I smirked slightly.

"What happened?" Alexander asked.

"I believe my sister is in our apartment." I sighed.

5 minutes later at Magnus's apartment.
Magnus POV

My sister is the first thing I saw when walking into the apartment. She was drinking a Martini. She looked good, better than the last time I saw her.

"Stella." I said getting her attention.

"Magnus." Stella replied. "I heard you need to talk to me."

"How close is your grapevine?" I asked.

"I don't have one but as long as you continue to wear that rong I gave you for your 300th birthday, I can hear when you need me." She explained.

"So all those times I thought about calling you, or thought I needed you..." I was cut off by her.

"I was still too angry with you to care but in this case I know you want to know if I ever gave my blood to a Shadowhunter named Valentine Morgenstern, sadly I did but he said he was going to use it for something good." I expained. "I should have known he was lying."

"How have you been?" I asked her.

"I've been better, most of the 200 years I spent in Peru." She chuckled.

"Hiding in the only place I am not allowed to be, smart." I shrugged.

"I wasn't hiding, Mags. I was avoiding you." She sighed.

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