The Plan

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The Institute
Emily POV

"So shouldn't we vo to the apartment, Em?" Jace asked.

"No, that would be stupid, espically without a plan." I told him.

"Blondie, is right, Jace. If he is a vampire made by Lilith he could have some secret powers we don't know about." Blue agreed.

"So how did it go?" I heard a woman ask.

"Emily, this is Clary's mother, Jocelyn." Jace told me. "Jocelyn this is the great, greater demon hunter, Emily Starkweather. Hodge's daughter."

"It's good to meet you, Mrs. Garroway." I smiled. "I was brought in to track Lilith, to find out where your daughter is."

"Do you know where she is?" Jocelyn asked me.

"In an apartment building in Brooklyn." I told her. "Right now we are working in a plan so we don't get ourselves killed."

"Promise me, you will bring her home." She said.

"I promise." I promised her. Than I saw a vampire I never thought I would see, ever again.

"Emily......" Raphael dragged as he said that. I instantly put a special glove I created espically to punch vampires. I walked over to him, and looked him dead in the eye. He gulped. "You're still pissed about what I did aren't you?"

"Sì." I glared than punched him in the face, knocking him to the ground. "That's for leaving me on a street corner to die."

"How did you do that?" He asked.

"I've been waiting for this moment for six years, I created a device to punch vampires." I shrugged.

"HE DID WHAT?!" Blue demanded.

"He was the one that gave me the yin fen, we dated but than one day he decided that, it was enough and kicked me out, leaving me on a street corner to die." I shrugged.

"How are you alive any way?" Raphael asked me.

"A shadowhunter named Jonathan, saved my life." I sighed. "Now, let's get Jace's fiancee back."

"Ooo, I am guessing you are the famous Emily." Magnus Bane smiled at me. "I am Magnus Bane High Warlock of Brooklyn."

"I am Emily Starkweather The Great, Greater Demon Hunter." I smiled, shaking his hand. "Blue, has told me alot about you already."

"Blue?"He asked confused.

"It has been my nickname for Alec since we were little." I shrugged. 

"Alexander has told me alot about you as well." He smiled. "I sense power in you, are you part warlock?"

"When I was in the womb I was injected with warlock's blood so I got a little bit of the magic side of things." I shrugged. "Anyway, we need to get to work, we have the address where Clary is, now we have to come up with a plan." I walked over to the ops table and pulled up a hologram of he building, showing x-ray as well.

"Izzy and Simon will go through the back, Jace, Blondie and I will go through the front." Blue ordered. "We are all tired, and it won't help Clary any if we are running on a dead battery, so get some sleep and we will excute the plan at dawn."

"Alec, it's Sebastian anything would help her right now." Jace argued.

"Jace, from all the awesome things I have heard about Clary, she will be able to take care of herself. Blue's right, if we don't get sleep there is a good chance of us getting killed." I told him. "But don't go and do this alone. The main priority is getting Clary out safe, not killing Sebastian."

Training Room

I stood in the training room, punching at a bag, sweat covered my body at 2 AM





I can't betray my friemds





I can't betray Sebastian





What am I going to do





I love Sebastian





I can't betray Alec.

"Can't sleep?" I heard a male voice ask.

"Yep, too much on my mind." I shrugged as I turned around to see Blue. "I thought you were at Magnus's."

"I decided to stay here tonight, one because of the mission and two because I worry about you." He explained.

"You want me to tell you were I was for the past seven years." I guessed.

"Not if you don't want to talk about it." He sighed.

"I'll talk about it. The reason I left was because I was high on Yin Fen and I came to the institute like that. My father kicked me out and told me not to come back untill I am over this addiction of mine. Little did he know, I used it to forget. So after that since Raphael and I were dating I went to the Hotel Dumort. They let me stay for a year than he kicked me out and left me on a street corner to die. Than Jonathan saved me and I than spent a year in a Shadowhunter rehab in Brazil. After that I was tried of being a Shadowhunter so I began to live a mundane life. Than five years later I get a fire message from you guys and I don't hesitate." I explained the half truth.

"Where were you living, for the past five years?" He asked.

"I have been living in Brooklyn." I sighed.

"I thought you were dead." He told me.

"At times I wish I was." I sighed.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"The thing I wanted to forget, when I wasn't here I was at Austin Texas institute, where my mother was. She beat me. Lydia just sat back and watched, laughing almost. You wanna know why I wear long sleeves? It's because I was suicidal." I finally told him, I looked at him and he was in shock. "You have to keep that a secret between me and you."

"You know I will." Blue smiled, but with pity in his eyes.

"Don't give me that look, Alec." I told him.

"What look?" He asked.

"The 'I'll smile because I know you hate pity but I'll still show it in my eyes' look." I glared at him and he rolled his eyes.

"Anything else you need to tell me?" He asked.

"This must stay between us, Alec." I told him.

"Okay?" He told me.

"Clary's brother, Sebastian, is the person who saved my life." I admitted. "I only knew him for a day than I left for Brazil."

"How? He's a cold blooded killer." He said confused.

"No, clue." I lied.

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