The Tears

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Trigger warning to those of you who are sensitive to the topic of suicide


I disarmed the bomb. Emily is a creature of habit, before she went dark side, she made Demon bombs for us that would only kill demons. She was quite the inventor.

"Okay, it's disarmed. Now we have to get unbinded from the apartment so we can leave." I sighed.

"How does she even know how to make a bomb?" Magnus asked.

"She used to make demon bombs for the institute. She was an inventor." Izzy shrugged.

"Well, it will take time to get the binding spell off but its going to be difficult." He said. It took two hours for Magnus to take off the spell.


We ended up in another one of Valentine's apartments he had scattered all over the world. This one was in Maryland. We got here by car since I didn't know where we were going I couldn't portal us there. We locked Clary in a seperate room becaise Seb wanted to talk to me.

"Thank you." Is all he said.

"For what?" I asked confused.

"For betraying your old friends for me. I know it must have been hard espically since you and Alec were close." He explained more.

"I would do anything for you, Seb. I owe you everything." I smiled at him. "If it wasn't for you, I would have been found dead on a street corner."

"I really do love you Emily." He told me. "For a while before you came a long I thought that I wasn't able to love someone with this demon side of me but you. You changed everything."

"I love you too, Sebastian." I smiled at him. I went closer to him and he put his hands on my hips and I put my arms around his neck. He leaned down a little a kissed me, passionately. I couldn't fully describe the kiss even if I tried but it was more than fireworks. It's always been that way, ever since the first kiss but it's true, love will make you do crazy things.

In Idris I will be labeled as a traitor and most likely be sentenced to death but I have never been afraid of death. I've dreamt of death, like it being a safe haven. I am happy. I am with the love of my life and we are going to watch Idris and the race of the Shadowhunters burn.


We walked nack into the institute and Raphael was waiting and I had fury in my eyes.

"Where's Emily?" Raphael asked in confusion.

"She turned out to be Sebastian's loyalist actually his girlfriend." I quickly said. "Me and you need to talk."

"About what?" He asked in confusion.

"What did you do with the fore messages I sent Emily while she was staying at the Dumort?" I demanded.

"I burnt them. I was thinking of what was best for her." He started before I cut him off.

"WHAT WAS BEST FOR HER?!" I snapped. "She almost killed us because of it! You had no right to say what was best for Emily because now she is out there with Sebastian who still has Clary. If I could I would beat the shit out of you Raphael." Than I left and went to Emily's old room.  There were many AC/DC amd mundane band posters on the walls. She painted her ceiling to look like the night sky, her walls were the New York sky lineat night. Her bed was a normal bed it had black sheets that were stale. Everything was covered in a thick layer of dust. Her night stamd was obviously black with a lamp on it and a letter, addressed to me that hadn't been there 5 years ago. I took it in my hands and opened it.

I am guessing you hate me. I am guessing my father told you whybhe kicked me out. If he didn't well I was addicted to Yin Fen. The first year I was gone I was with Raphael, at least untill he kicked me out and I almost died on a street corner. This past year I have been in a mundane rehab insisutue. I am better. I am staying with the guy who saved my life, Sebastian Morgenstern. His real name is Jonathan but he prefers Sebastian. He's sweet to me. I miss you guys. I would come but I am not welcomed there anymore. I decided to retire as a Shadowhunter. I loved the life but my main focus right now is not to relapse as my mundane therapist said. I told the mundanes that I used to cocaine and that's a total lie.  I love you guys, you may hate me but I regret doing Yin Fen. The reason I didn't tell you Alec because, I didn't want you to think less of me.

Forever and always,

Tears were rolling down my face unwilling. Many emotions came all at once, I was livid, I was sad, I felt guilty. I hated myself for not trying harder to get her back, she was my best friend. Me and her used to be closer than me and Jace are. I needed to know, I needed to know if she did anything. I went to the top drawer of her nightstand and attempted to open it. It was locked, I pulled out my stele and put an unlocking rune on it amd it opened right up. The first thing I saw was a notebook, probably her journal. I opened the notebook and read the last entry.

This is my last entry. My dad kicked me out but I can't blame him, its my fault. I am addicted to Yin Fen. It just takes away my emotional pain. I never plan to go back to my mother or my sister or that institute in general. I was abused there and nobody did anything about it. I don't want to be a Shadowhunter amymore. I want to get stripped of my runes, if I am not I want Raph to turn me into a vampire either that or I will die. I can't live this life anymore, I'm tired.


What? I set the notebook down and the next thing I saw, was unbelievable. I picked them up and tears flooded down my face. She could have told me, like she told me everything else. Apparently she had more secrets than I knew about. I set the razor blades on the floor and let out a slight sob. My bestest friend was suicidal and I didn't even know it. I glanced at the blades and saw the slight dried up blood that has been there who knows how long.

"Alec." I heard Jace say as he came into the room, than I just broke down. Than he saw the blades. "Oh, Alec. I'm so sorry."

"She was suicidal and was afraid to tell us." I whispered. "My best friend was suicidal and I didn't realise it."

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