~Never Get Over This~ ~Shangst~

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Slightly inspired by:
'Ghosts' by Jacob Tillberg!

Trigger Warning: Suicide

Shiro and Lance have been together for four years now, and they couldn't be happier...

Or so they thought

The one thing Shiro has not realized is that Lance's insecurities and depression have gotten worse instead of better. He knew of these problems, but Lance has sworn that he was better, and it really looked like it. But Lance is also very good at hiding things. And sadly, that had led to that day. Shiro walked into their home, a small apartment in the city. And at that moment, he wished he had been home earlier instead of finishing some extra paperwork. If he decided not to stay at work late he could of saved his lover's life.

He gasped, he felt big balls of tears falling from his eyes at the scene presented before him. Lance was hanging from the ceiling with a rope around his neck.



Shiro broke down, stumbling to the ground as he choked on his own salty tears. This is a sight no one should have to witness, but yet here he is. He feels numb, empty. It feels like someone just ripped his heart out and threw it somewhere without a care. He curled up into a ball on the floor and let out a pained shout. His voice going hoarse over the amount of tears he let go.

He will never get over this.

Rain pattered on the grey pavement that matched the sky. Shiro stood in front of his lover's grave, holding a bouquet of bluebonnets, Lance's favorite flowers. He placed them carefully on the grave, making sure the blue flowers were centered just right. He chuckled a bit, remembering how Lance was such a perfectionist, and how Lance probably made him one too. It had been a year since that horrible day. A day Shiro wants to forget and never return to. But no matter what he does it comes back, either in thought or in his dreams, he's always brought back to that image of Lance. And he can no longer take it. Shiro felt his eyes sting with tears as he looks over the grave. He suddenly felt a presence behind him. A weird one, it was cold but familiar, but alas when he turned, nothing and no one was to be seen. He sighed as he dug his hands into his jacket pockets and trudged away from the grave.

He continued to his final destination. The bridge by a vey peaceful side of the town, especially at this time of night. It will be the best place to leave this life behind. As he reached the bridge, he slid his hands along the railings as he walked, taking in the view around him. It will be the last thing he sees. As expected, no one was around, he didn't need someone stopping him right now. He halted at the highest point of the bridge, letting out a long sigh. The stars were extremely prominent, the moon giving off a nice glow. Shiro lifted himself over the railing to stand on the outer ledge of the bridge. He once again looks around him to take in the sights around him.


Shiro's eyes widened, he knew that voice, but that's impossible. Shiro bit his lip, scrunching up his eyes, trying to forbid any sobs from escaping.

"Shiro don't end it like this..'

The voice said, softer this time. Shiro turned to face the owner of the voice.



Lance walked up to him, a sad smile appearing on his face. Shiro let his tears escape.

"Lance I-I can't do this anymore, n-not without you..."

Shiro felt a cold presence on his lips, realizing then that it was Lance's.

"Shiro you won't be without me, I'll always be here-

"Lance why did you do it?"

Lance gasped quietly, looking off to the side.

"I...I don't know, I didn't want to burden you, you already had your life to worry about, and I didn't want my stupid fucking problems to drag you down with me..."

Shiro left out a harsh laugh

"You fucking idiot, I would put all my life aside to help you. I'd still do it now."

Shiro left a little bit of his grip off the railings,Lance instantly noticed, trying to grab onto his hands desperately only for them to fade through Shiro's.

"I can't do this anymore Lance, I miss being able to see your beautiful face every morning. I miss being able to come home to you singing some Spanish song that I'd never understand while you made dinner!"

Lance kept trying with all his life to grab Shiro's hands as Shiro slowly left more of his grip off the railings.

"I miss holding you in my arms, I miss touching you. I miss kissing you!"

Lance bit his lip, tears threatening to leave his eyes.

"Please Kashi, please don't do this! Kashi!"

Shiro left out a sob before mumbling.

"I'm sorry"

Lance hands instinctively flew to grab Shiro's, but they faded through his. And Lance watched as Shiro fell, it was all in slow motion. He was wide eyed. Tears falling. Lance let out a choked sob as he fell to his knees. He now understood why Shiro let himself get to this state.

Lance felt numb, empty, like someone ripped his heart out and threw it somewhere without a care. He felt dead. More than he is already.

He will never get over this..

I'm so sorry for starting this off with angst, but this idea was all I could think about and I needed to get it out right now!!

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