2. We need time.

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"Sharpedon Gaze of Lightless and Marx Magma of Midnight, I'm waiting for you two inside my office. Right now and it's not a question it's an order."

Well, fuck you too.

Crescent, just don't. It's not worth it. Oh, shit. Do you think he figured out that we were the ones who destroyed his arena?

Dude, he's an asshole, not smart. Or not that smart, so no, he didn't.

I sighed and headed towards his office.

For the past weeks, sighing became the only thing I'm good at. This whole situations is tiring me out and after all of this I need a vacation, doesn't matter where it could be even at the North-Wait.

We already are at the North Pole, genius.

We are at the South Pole, not the North Pole.

Same thing and by the way, you don't want to go at the North Pole because there's nothing there except some water, water, water and guess what else?

Are we really doing this?


Fine. And more water.

Wrooong. And ice. It's sea ice and it's constantly moving around so you can't build anything there, nor live there even if you are a Water Elementar.

You are so damn annoying. I'm wondering if Red is stuck with someone as annoying as you, but I don't think that it could be a persons, or voice more frustrating than you.

Oh, yeah? What about that hybrid dude? What was his name? Pink? Brown?

Black. His name is Black and he's not frustrating, he's just a pain in the ass and very stupid, but he can be easily ignored, unlikely you. I can't just block you out.

Wait. Is that dude still alive?

I think so. When we found him he was still pretty much breathing. He was wheezing and his face was turning blue, but he was alive. I heard he was in critical state when we brought him here, but that's all I know. But I think that if he would have died, I would've heard from someone.

You didn't ask about his health?? What kind of friend are you??

We're not friends. Never had, never will.

Rudee. You only care about your girlfriend. What would you do if something would happen to me? Would you even care?

I'm begging you, please, don't start teasing me about Shadow again, please. I already accepted my huge crush on her, so stop. And of course I care about what happens with you because what affects you, it also affects me.

Hmm. Let's say that I believe you this time.

I rolled my eyes and entered Midnight's office without knocking. I only knock if I'm coming to see Blast, but since I'm not, I decided to leave my manners at home.

Midnight glared at me with his pure black orbs. "Where are your manners mister Lightless?"

They disappeared along with your brain.

I masked my urge to laugh with a cough and took a seat across from him. "I dunno."

"Whatever. At least you came on time, unlikely other persons." as soon as he finished his phrase I heard the door open and close.

"Oh, get over it Midnight. You're saying it like I'm always late. And that's so not cool." a new feminine voice said and the owner took a seat next to me.

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