Part Four

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     When I woke up I felt something on my chest and slowly opened my eyes seeing Mumei in cat form and sat up, waking him in the process. "Hey....Mumei..." I stood up stretching and felt something furry grabs my wrist and turned around jumping seeing Mumei as a human.....naked....."Mumei.....please....put some clothes on" he blushed and quickly covered himself "s-sorry!" I walked out the room and went downstairs and heard my stomach grumble and sighed.


      I grabbed the clothes from the floor and and walks downstairs blushing. "hey Mumei, I'm making breakfast want some?" I smelt the delicious smell of bacon and nodded "of course its been a while since I ate anyway" Mike looked at me "really how long?" I bit my lip and looked at him "s-since yesterday" I lied it was really a week ago since my old master would put something in my food every night to turn me on to play with me. "Oh....okay" Mike said and continued cooking the bacon and I walks to the table and sat down wrapping my tail around my left wrist.

     Mike walked over and set a plate in front of me and I smiled "Hey Mumei....I have a question.." he sat  across from me and I took a bite of bacon "mmmmm!! this is delicious!" I looked at Mike "what was your question?" he chuckled and I blushed "well um..." he looked away.from me and down at his plate "I was wondering...why do you have rope marks on your wrist..." my smile slowly faded and I moved my tail from my wrist and looked at it. "y-you don't have to answer of you want! i-i was just asking" I clenched my fist and quickly wrapped my tail around my wrist again "I rather not tell you...." I looked at Mike " sorry if I was prying...just curious" I smiled slightly "Curiosity killed the cat" I continued to eat with out another word.



     I stared at Mumei as he ate and what he said kept echoing through my head 'curiosity killed the cat' over and over...what did he mean by that? did he mean the actual phrase or....something...different?

      "Mike?" I jumped getting pulled from my thoughts and looked at Mumei "S-sorry w-what?" he stood up "are you okay? you didn't eat at all" I blinked and looked at Mumeis plate and saw it empty then looked at mine "o-oh...sorry I'm okay just lost in thought" he nodded and took him plate into the kitchen and I continued to eat. I can't make him worry...I already hurt him enough...

      I heard the doorbell and stood up "I got it!" I shouted and walked to the door opening and saw a guy there with brown hair and thin rim glasses wearing a suit and was about my height a little taller. "um..may I help you?" he handed me a piece of paper "have you seen this person?" I stared at the picture 'Mumei?'


[I just noticed how short I made this.....

F**k im really sorry I meant for this to be a cliff hanger....]

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