Part 13~ The End

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   I held on to Mumei tightly sitting on my friends jacobs bed while mumei softly cried in my arms "Mumei.." I ran my fingers through his hair, So soft.. "I love you Mumei...I love you so much " I felt him move a bit to look at me, he had tears in his eyes and was smiling "I love you to mike" he said, his voice hoarse I didn't know what he almost said but knew.  I gently kissed his forhead and waited for jacob to return home.


Im free again... Once again Im free and with the one I love this time. I wrapped my tail around Mike's torso and gripped his shirt tightly I love him I love him I love him I love him and I dont want to make him sad ever again.  I jumped when I heard the door open and looked over seeing Jacob "Hey mumei, Mike" He walked over "Mike could you move your arms" I frowned when he did but it was probably for the best jacob was examining the whip scars on my back, he wants to be a doctor when he  gets the chance..he was my only friend. I hissed when he started to clean the wounds pulling me from my thoughts and looked at mike and he stroked my cheek smiling "Its okay, Im here" I teared up and hugged mike close crying with joy and pain.But mostly joy.


   Once jacob could do what he could with Mumeis wounds he looked at me "Explaining time I guess?" Mumei layed his head on my lap and his legs om Jacob when he sat next me, I smiled stroking his hair  "Well, To start with yes Hiyama is my father , mother die im a car accident and so he started to collect..pets off the street when he collected them I never knew until father made Mumei a real servant,  I was 8 and we hung out a lot but Every day more scars appeared onto his skin" He frowned and gently picked up Mumeis wrist turning it over "They all vanished but never this one he never told me until I  was going to move out" He gently set it down. "In truth, I used to love mumei but since he was fathers I tried to forget" I glared at Jacob and looked at Mumei who was blushing "Hey! Why are you blushing? " I heard Jacob laugh and smirk "Secret, but its in the past mike,  memories plus I have a little someone of my own" He winked I rolled my eyes "perv" He laughed again "Hes fun though,  Wanna know a Secret?" I blinked "Depends" He chuckled laying down "Im kinda of a masochist, I never knew I would end up like that but eh It happened " "Okay classified!" he laughed and I heard a little chuckle from Mumei and smiles. Everything Is right again with Mumei here I leaned down kissing his lips gently. God I will love this kitty to the end. My precious Neko Mumei.

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