Part Eleven

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Wooooo new chapter, I think this book is coming to an end T.T unless I think of something else who knows It might end or Ill make a secound book? idk but 12 votes 7 comments next.chapter



I yawned getting out of bed and looked at my schedule "No work today thank god!" I walked downstairs and rubbing my eyes and heard someone come down the stairs and looked over seeing my dad "Hey son" I yawned "Hey thanks for letting my stay the night" He nodded "No problem you off work today?" I nodded grabbing a bowel and come cereal "Wanna head to my brothers house just to see him" I shrugged "Its been a while sure need something to do today anyway" I put the milk and cereal away after filling my bowl with both and started eatting "Maybe Mumei will be there and you can catch up with him" I looked at my dad and nodded "It be fun"


I sighed and opened the door to the downstairs basement and heard the shuffle of the chain and turned the light on "My brother and his son is coming over today and I need to get you cleaned up" I walked over and unlock the chains and picked him up and walked upstairs into my bathroom and sat him down on the sink and he slumped against the wall and I frowned starting the water. I didn't want to do that to him but he needed to learn and I wanted him to forget Mike and be mine again "H...i.yama" I blinked looking at Mumei "Whats wrong baby?" He coughed laying hand on his throat then weakly said " me..." I stood while the bath was getting filled with warm water and layed my hand on his cheek and he flinched "Mumei...Your scared.of me arnt you" he looked at me slowly nodding. Damnit...My anger took me over and I hurt my precious Mumei... "I'm So sorry my precious Mumei, My anger took over" I frowned staring at him "W-why...were you..a-angry?" I looked at him did he forget Mike? "D-did I d-do......something w-wrong..?..master?" Or I just put sense into him. I picked him up and gently set him in the warm bath water and frowned seeing him wince and the clear water turn red "Im sorry..." I heard the bell ring and stood "Think you can wash your self?" He nodded then I walked out the bathroom and closed the door walking downstairs smiling seeing my brother and his son Jacob "Hiyama!" My brother said hugging me and I hugged back and ruffled Jacobs hair "Mumei is taking a bath now so you can wait upstairs if you want jacob" He nodded going upstairs and I started talking with my brother.


Tears fell down my cheeks and into the bloody water then heard a knock on the door "Mumei? Its jacob" I wiped my eyes attempting to say "c-come i-in" I winced and heard.the door open and jacob gasped closing the door "My god Mumei..." He said staring at the whip marks "I-i w-was...H-happy" He grabbed a washcloth wetting it and gently started wiping the blood away " so sorry but I dont know if I can help like I did last time" I felt tears down my cheek "M...M-Mike....I w-want" I whimpered "Mumei your vo- Wait Mike?" I nodded and was about to talk again be he gently covered my mouth "Sh... You met Mike and stayed with him?" I nodded again then he grabbed his phone and showed me a picture and I teared up more grabbing the phone "M-mi..k..e" I whimpered more. I want to see him "Mumei....I think I can help you but its risky" I looked at him " to g..t m-m..i.e b-a..k" He frowned and wringed out the wash cloth "Stop talking your losing your voice very quickly " I nodded and sat there as he continued to wash me and he grabbed his phone calling Mike.


i sat there on couch defeated and tired. I don't know where to look its like no one know where Hiyama is does he even have a business!? How do I find him!!! Ring I blinked and grabbed my phone answering "Look Jacob I cant work tod-" "Hush Mike I have a plan and need you to meet me at my house in like an hour go through my back window okay" "Why whats going on" I heard a growl "Just do it you have no idea what I'm risking to help you right now" I heard a splash then jacob mumbled "Sorry mumei" Then said "Understand meet me in my room got it" My eyes widened "D-do you have M-mumei? I just heard you said sorry Mumei is he there!!!" I heard a sigh "Im trying to clean him right now ...wouldn't be the first time I did this for him Hiyama my father brother always treates him im going to help Mumei escape again like I did last time" I covered my.mouth "c-can I t-talk t-to him" It was quiet for a moment then jacob said "It best not to now" I frowned "but you can when you meet me in my room" I nodded my head taking a.shaky breath "o-okay" "see you soon" Click. I set my phone in my pocket and grabbed my shoes and ran out the house towards jacobs.


I put my phone away and looked Mumei who was a clean but those whip mark were.terrible on his skin... "Mumei you dry off and climb out through the window im goin to say you rested since you were tired" He nodded "go ahead and dry yourself off and change into cat form and run to my house okay?" He nodded slowly standing up and grabbed onto to me for balance and layed a hand on the wall for support. "alright When you get into my house stay there cause I bet mike wants an explanation" He nodded again drying himself off then I kisses his forehead "You will be okay again Mumei" I said then walked out closing the door and walked downstairs "Welcome.back jacob" hiyama said "Mumei went to lay down in your bed for a while he was a little tired" I said down in a chair looking at Hiyama "Well better let him rest or he would constantly whine to rest with me" Hiyama chucked. Run safe.

The lost nekoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora