Part three

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~Mikes Dream~

"M-Mike! stop! it hurts!" i heard mumei crying out and I thrust more harder and deeper into him makeing him arch his back "s-stop!" i ignored him because all i wanted was him,to claim him, have my mark on him, do anything I can to show people not to touch him. Mumei gripped my shoulders "m-mike!...i..i can' going to cum!" i gripped his legs harder "hold it in a little bit longer Mumei" i went down and nibbled on his ear which made him moan even louder "m-mike!" he wrapped his arms around my neck "c-can i cum Mike please i-i can't hold it in much longer!" i just ignored him and continued to thrust hard into him and nibble on his ear listening to his loud moans "m-mike! ah!" cum spurted out on his chest and i noticed i let out my cum inside him and smirked. Mumei hugged me tight trembling and i whispered in his ear "your mine"

~END of dream~


I slowly opened my eyes and let my vision clear and sat up then winced "oww!" my lower back was in pain and I remember what happened and blushed "grr Mike!" i stood up and fell back on the couch and hissed in pain "he went to hard last night" I used the couch for support and looked around. " this way?" I let go of the couch and quickly stumbled toward the wall and walked down a hall way and saw a door cracked open, and I was curious so I opened it more and saw Mike in the bed shirt less and blushed darker 'what makes me so attracked to him, i mean yes hes is cute but he practially rapped me last night' I jumped when i heard him role over on his side, he looked so cute, and innocent alseep. NO! i shook my head ,no thinking like that. I leaned on the wall and stumbled over near his bed ' I don't wanna fall on him my legs feel like they are going to give in at any moment. I decided to get down on my hands and knees and transformed into a the small black cat the shirt and boxers I had on laid on top of me and I crawled out of them then I slowly walked over to the bed and ignored the pain the best i could when i jumped up next to Mike. he rolled on his other side and i froze staring at him 'so cute..' i licked his nose and laid down next to him and curled up into a ball ' i think im seriously in love with this guy..dammit'

(yay I Got wifi and made this stupid small chapter im so Ashamed please dont kill me)

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