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POV: Lucy

I am a grown up now. I am a young lady, I have a fiancé and I am a pop-rock-dancing violinist. I have my own fans and I share a lot of them with Lindsey. She and I work together, compose together, I live in LA, two Streets from her house and I often go to meet her on my skateboard, Lilu pulling me. He is a lot bigger now, and much more harder to take in your arms! Lindsey's and my family are like one, and her daughter is growing up day after day. Her name is Nicki. She is a real mini-Lindsey, she likes running everywhere, dancing and would like to play the violin, or the piano.... and she has her father's eyes...

I am aunt Lucy. I take care of Nicki when Lindsey is out for the day. This little girl is a real princess. She doesn't know who her dad is, but she has a family: the crew. Every boy in the crew is like her father. She has grown up in the Lindsey-athmosphere and this has made her the happiest girl on earth, and I wish she will always stay like this!


This is the end of my story, I hope you liked it!

(of course I know Lindsey and Gavi weren't in love but this is only a story! ;)  )

Love y'all!



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