Electric Daisy

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Media: "Electric Daisy Violin"

POV: Lindsey


Because Drew is starving and that a pound of saliva is forming at his feet, we stop to buy some french fries and sausages that they sell a bit everywhere. And, I must tell that they were delicious!

      -"Oh my god these french fries are so good! Says Drew that immediately goes to buy a second one.

      -Hahaha! You can't help taking more each time!

      -I have to look after all these muscles!

      -Your arms are as strong as a chicken's one Schwarzeneger! Says Gavi, kidding him.

      -Meanwhile, I say, we haven't heard a single violin of the day. There must be some! At least the pupils from the conservatory! Open the eye! We have to find them!"

We get up and continue visiting calmly. I put back my scarf on my nose and Devin continues filming. We turn into another road when Gavi stops us.

      -"Hey! have you heard this? That's violin!

      -That's trumpet you idiot! Says Drew.

      -Not that! Further away! I'm not that stupid!

I concentrate, trying to hear the sound of this beautiful instrument, in the middle of all these sounds, and, as Gavi Said, I can hear, far away, a violin. But... What is it playing? I know this music! It's... it's...

      -"Electric Daisy Violin! we scream all in one!

      -That's impossible! I have to find it!"

As all the people around us look at us strangely, we start to look for this Stirlingite violin, listening attentively so that we don't loose it. We finish in front of the church, where a lot of people have gathered around the violinist. We make our way to the first row, and.... Oh my god! That's not possible! The violinist is a girl, and she's not older than sixteen! She plays accompanied by a drummer of her age, both overjoyed. She plays perfectly well, just as in my CDs, but what strikes me are not her perfect notes, it is her dance! She doesn't just play! She dances! I thought I was the only one on earth capable to do it because it was so hard, and I just see her in front of me, sixteen years old, twirling and playing in the air! I put down my scarf and tell something to Gavi, who is just next to me : "She plays so well! She must be a real Stirlingite to be that good in dancing and playing at the same time!"

And at that moment, at the end of a pirouette, her eyes stop into mine.

Yours musically // Lindsey Stirling ♥Where stories live. Discover now