The event

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POV: Lucy

This morning, I wake up, my head full of yesterday's rehersal's memories. After our band rehersal, Lindsey borrowed my violin and she made us a private concert! We ended late and I didn't have the time to do my homework... never mind! I'll do them in the bus! I get myself ready and pack my books for school.

In the bus, as I sit down at my seat, a small girl grabs my arm:

-Hey Lucy! Apparently the school is going to organise something that might interest you!

-Really? What sort of thing?

-I don't know... But it seems great!

-Who told you that?

-Luna, The english teacher's daughter, Miss Tretzinski.


The school organises something that might interest me? Is it a concert? No, why would they organise a concert? What is it then?


Today, just before our lunch break, Miss Atthia, the school headmaster enters our classroom. I like her a lot. She likes her pupils and make sure they are happy in her school. And she likes me a lot!

-"Hello everyone! She says happily. I have something to tell you all!

Everyone stopped talking, listening carefully.

-Our school has decided to organise a "our school has talent"!

At that moment, I can see her eyes turn to me and she smiles at me.

-You can all participate whit the talent of your choice! If you want to participate, please come and see me in my office. By the way, the winner will recieve a very special prize!

Woah! A talent competition! And a very special prize! Very special! I turn excitedly to Jane and I can se that she is as excited as me! Miss Atthia leaves the classroom and all the pupils started talking.

-Silence please! Asks the teacher, but nobody listened to him.

-Hey you all! He screamed through the room. Shut up! The lesson's not finished yet!"

And at that moment, the bell rang.


Sorry guys! I made you wait for so long! I was caught in my exams and didn't have much time for wattpad. I will try to update more frequently now!

Yours musically // Lindsey Stirling ♥Where stories live. Discover now