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"Being bad feels pretty good, huh?"

~ John Bender, The Breakfast Club (1985)



KEVIN KNOWS HE PROMISED his dad he wouldn't get detention ever again, but he did—seven more times behind his father's back. He would tell his father to drop him off at Pop's to hang with his friends for the day, but in reality he would leave the diner the second jis father is out of sight and catch a ride to Riverdale High.

Usually it's Betty and Jughead he catches a ride with, in Jughead's truck. The two of them would get detention at least two Saturdays a month, usually because they'd ditch class to go somewhere, and Kevin thinks it's because they'll hang by their spot at Sweetwater River. The whole school was shook to their cores when Betty and Jughead held hands as they walked down the hallways the Monday after they got together—which was the Saturday that the Sad Breakfast Club was formed.

Jughead's black leather jacket was a total contrast to Betty's pink cardigans.

No matter how jaw-dropping Betty and Jughead's entrance were that day, no one talked shît about it though—except Reggie Mantle, fresh from the hospital, who verbally harassed Betty from stooping down low and dating a Southside scumbag. Of course, Reggie ended up getting punched by Jughead again and was sent straight back to the hospital.

Archie and Veronica remained in the dark for the first month in their relationship, keeping as much distance between them in school and meeting up secretly after school, or hang with Betty and Jughead and Kevin at Pop's. Every day since the detention they all got together, they met up every single day, though there were some days when there was at least one absence from the group. Archie and Veronica came out with their relationship three months later, though, when some girl walked all over Archie and Veronica got insanely jealous.

Veronica, of course, made sure that the whole school knew that Archie was hers and hers alone. It even involved a catfight and a huge scene in the middle of the parking lot and Betty practically had to pry Veronica off of the girl.

And while the two couples walked around the town publicly displaying affection and their love for everyone to see, Kevin remained quiet with his own late-night rendezvous. Only the Sad Breakfast Club knew of Kevin's relationship with Joaquin DeSantos, who was a friend of Jughead and was introduced to him when Jughead invited him and Betty over to the Whyte Wyrm.

Six months have already passed, and now Kevin stood in front of Riverdale High once again, about to face his seventh detention. As usual, to keep all of it from his close-minded parents, he walked all the way from Pop's where his dad dropped him off.

He sighed deeply and made his way up the steps of Riverdale High.


BETTY GIGGLED SOFTLY AS Jughead peppered the column of her neck with kisses. They were at the corner of the parking lot of Riverdale High, with her on Jughead's motorcycle and her legs slightly spread so Jughead stood between them, his body so close to hers. She tilted her head back and tangled her fingers in his tousled raven-black hair, his beanie long forgotten on the ground beside his feet.

"Juggie,"Betty breathed as Jughead's lips went back to hers, their lips locked in a passionate kiss and his hands, which were on her hips, moved up to cup her face while her arms were around his neck. "We have to go, Jug. We're gonna be late."

"Detention can wait."Jughead told her, which caused both of them to laugh softly. Betty's thoughts drifted off to the first time they kissed, comparing the similarities of that moment to the situation they were in now. They needed to go to detention.

"But if we're late we're gonna get detention again."Betty pouted, pulling back from her boyfriend. "We've already gotten detention twice this month."She reminded him, which caused him to wince. They had this rule of getting a maximum of two detentions per month, whether it be individually or together. It was silly, but whenever Jughead got detention, his girlfriend would often find some way to get in trouble so that she could go to detention with him. Which was why Jughead made that rule, and Betty knows it's hard for him considering how many times he's tempted to beat up Bulldogs and ditch class with her.

"Alright."Jughead sighed, stepping back and helping her back on her feet. He picked up his beanie as she fixed herself, and hand in hand, they walked into Riverdale High.


ARCHIE AND VERONICA WERE already at the library, waiting for everyone else to show up in detention. They've been inside for fifteen minutes, most of which were spent with his girlfriend straddling Archie's lap on his chair and both of them engaged in a deep make out session.

"Oh, Archiekins."Veronica giggled, looking into Archie's eyes, her fingers playing with her ginger hair. "You're so lucky I have nothing to do today, or else it would be boring for you to spend detention alone. Veronica rarely got detention, but whenever her boyfriend was called in for detention, she tagged along to keep him company—since she has nothing better to do.

"Dámn right I am."Archie said with a grin, chuckling softly, leaning up to kiss her quickly. "I sure hope we'll be all alone this time, so I can—"

Kevin entered the library.


"YOU SPOKE TOO SOON, Archie."Kevin chuckled as he set his bag down on one of the chairs, claiming the sest beside it and the whole table. "You won't be getting some from Ronnie today, I'll be here to bug you guys the whole time."

"Sadly, Kevin, you won't be the only one who's cockblocking Archie."An all too voice came from the doors of the library, and the three turned their heads to see Jughead with his arm draped around Betty, grins on their faces. "What's up, guys?"Betty ignored her boyfriend's comment with a slight eyeroll as both of them waltzed to one of the tables, claiming it and sat beside each other, though Jughead pulled Betty onto his lap no more than a minute later.

"You won't be getting some either, Jughead."Archie replied with a laugh, while Jughead sported his signature smirk and raised an eyebrow at Archie. "Oh yeah? Well Betty and I can always make a trip to the back of the library, to the bathroom, maybe even to the lounge and I assure you, we're getting some."

Betty slapped Jughead's chest half to scold him and half playfully as the entire group laugh, Kevin cringing at Jughead's words. Not so long later, Mr. Weatherbee entered the room, whining loudly in complaint as his gaze fell upon the five of them.

"Oh God, it's you five again."

The Sad Breakfast Club // BUGHEAD + VARCHIE + KEVINWhere stories live. Discover now