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"And when I say 'essay', I mean 'essay'. I do not mean a single word repeated a thousand times. Is that clear, Mr. Bender?"

~ Richard Vernon, The Breakfast Club (1985)



"IT'S GOOD TO SEE that you've all arrived in time."Mr. Weatherbee said as he walked into the library. "That's one good thing that happened today."

Jughead had taken the seat right behind Betty, while Archie occupied the table beside Betty's. Veronica sat a few tables behind me, at the very last table. Kevin has stolen a few glances at her already, but was terrified of speaking to her-to anyone, really. If he had the guts, he would've started talking to the future prom queen herself.

Mr. Weatherbee's gaze swiped the room, looking at each of the students very carefully, and Kevin noticed that his gaze lingered on Jughead a little longer than the rest of them. His eyes were fixated into a glare once his eyes settled on Jughead who had a smirk on his face. It was clear that Mr. Weatherbee despised him, and being Riverdale High's resident bad boy, Jughead showed no remorse.

Instead of spitting out harsh comments at Jughead, Mr. Weatherbee pulled up the cuffs of his sleeves and looked at his watch. "It is now 7:06. You have exactly eight hours and fifty-four minutes to think about why you are here-to ponder the error of your ways."He spoke.

"You will not talk, you will not move from these seats, and you will not sleep."Mr. Weatherbee's eyes were set on Jughead as he spoke, his teeth gritting every now and then showing his frustration even at Jughead's mere presence. "And you will hand over your cellphones to me."

"What the hell?"The first to speak was Veronica, which was no surprise. Ever since she waltze dinto the library her head had been down, her thumbs typing away on her phone, possibly texting a fellow New York socialite. Mr. Weatherbee scoffed and extended his arm out to take the phones. Kevin was first to hand his phone over, followed closely by Archie then Betty, who showed obvious hesitation as she slowly passed her phone to the principal.

"Give me your phones."Mr. Weatherbee repeated, now talking to Veronica and Jughead. "It's the modern times! We need our phones!"The raven-haired girl protested, stomping her foot on the ground like the spoiled brat she is. Jughead scoffed at the action, turning his head away, sinking furthe rinto his seat to accentuate his lazy posture.

"Not in detention, missy. Hand it over."

And Veronica, wiht a grunt, gave in, handing stomping to the front and handing her phone to Mr. Weatherbee. "If I see a single scratch on it when it is returned to me, you'll regret taking my phone."She huffed, walking back to her seat and slumping


"AND THAT LEAVES YOU, Mr. Jones."The principal groaned loudly as he walked to the table Jughead occupied, his other arm extended. "Hand it over, boy."Jughead stayed still, standing up and towering over Mr. Weatherbee. Jughead had his usual blank expression on his face, eyes null of any emotion.

"Why do you want it so bad, Barry Manilow?"He asked, his voice challenging Mr. Weatherbee.

"You'll know the answer to that next Saturday."

Betty gasped, head snapping up to look at Jughead, a hint of worry on her face. Jughead made no move to sit back down, and instead stepped closer. "I guess today's your lucky day, Dîck. I'm free next Saturday."He replied, arms still crossed over his chest.

"Oh yeah? Well you've won yourself another Saturday, Jones."

"Cut it out!"Betty screamed, hoping it would be enough to stop whatever Jughead was playing at. But Jughead paid no attention to her-he didn't pay attention to anyone, really. Anyone but Mr. Weatherbee. Jughead then smirked. "Really? Well then I'll let you know that I'm free the Saturday after that."

"Another Saturday for you, then."

"And then after that I'm gonna have to check my fücking calendar!"

"Cut it out, Jug!"

"I don't care about your calendar! Detention for the Saturday after that last one! Do you want more?"


"Cut it out!"

"That's another Saturday for you! You want me to stop there?"

"No! You know what, why don't you give me all you got, Dîck?"

"Two more Saturdays, then!"

"Juggie, cut it out!"

"Shut up!"Mr. Weatherbee soon snapped at Betty, his voice angry pointing his finger at her. Betty's jaw dropped, eyebrows creasing with anger and shock, ready to shoot a comment at him. If Betty was to have detention next Saturday, then that would mean that she will have two detentions on her permanent student record, and Jughead was sure that though him and Betty weren't universally considered as friends anymore, he wasn't going to let her risk her reputation for him. Clearly, she didn't deserve another Saturday.

"Hey! Don't fúcking talk to her that way!"Jughead yelled at Mr. Weatherbee, and for the first time, the principal ignored him and kept his attention to the blonde. "I expected much better from you, Ms. Cooper."Betty glanced at Jughead, shaking her head lightly at him before her gaze dropped to the ground. Jughead, noticing the look on Betty's face, stepped down and sat back on his seat, retreating. It was then when Mr. Weatherbee turned back to Jughead.

"I've got you for nine Saturdays, Jones."

"Actually, Mr. Weatherbee, it's eight Saturdays, including the one he has to share with Bet-"Kevin began to speak, but when Mr. Weatherbee whipped around to shoot him a glare, he gulped and remained silent. "Sorry."For a moment the room was silent as Mr. Weatherbee walked back to the front of the library, taking a deep breath and composing himself.

"Alright people, we're going to try something a little different today. We are going to write an essay of no less than a thousand words describing to me who you think you are."Mr. Weatherbee announced, grabbing some papers from the front desk of the library as well as pens for each of them, laying them on their tables.

"Is this a test?"Jughead scoffed as he received his paper, pushing it to the side of his table and ignoring it. Betty glanced back at him, shooting him a glare. Betty had a feeling that if Jughead would receive another Saturday in detention, she'd either lose her mind or explode.

"And when I say 'essay', I mean 'essay'. I do not mean a single word repeared a thousand times. Is that clear, Mr. Jones?"

"Crystal."Jughead replied.

"Good. Maybe you'll learn a little something about yourself. You might even decide whether or not you'd care to return."He spoke, and Kevin cleared his throat to get his attention, standing uo from his seat. "Uh, you know, I can answer that rit now, sir. That'd be from me, 'cause-"

"I'll be right across the hall, in my office."Mr. Weatherbee cut him off before Kevin finished, turning his back on them and walking out of the library, keeping the door open.

"And this door stays open."

The Sad Breakfast Club // BUGHEAD + VARCHIE + KEVINWhere stories live. Discover now