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"I wanna be an airborne ranger / I wanna lead a life of danger / Before the day I die / There's five things I wanna ride / Bicycle, Tricycle, Automobile / Virgin's Mother and a Ferris Wheel."

~ John Bender (Singing), The Breakfast Club (1985)



NOTHING REALLY HAPPENED IN the entire thirty minutes Veronica and Archie spent by the vending machine. In the first ten minutes, Archie had started to wonder what was happening back in the library, thinking that maybe they were wondering where they had gone off too or what was taking them so long. Maybe they've already started with their lunches, not able to wait for them a minute longer.

"Crap!"Archie groaned, kicking the side of the vending machine and causing a boom to fill the silence of the room. Other than their small conversation about Veronica's choice of drinks, the only eventful thing that happened was that the students' vending machine was broken. It always was, but at times it wasn't. Archie hoped that Mr. Svenson had already fixed it, but from the looks of it, it was just as useless as it was last Thursday.

If Archie was being honest, the vending machine had started to piss him off. He thought he could make it work all by himself, but he couldn't. he didn't know why he even tried,but his best guess was because a part of him wanted to impress the New Yorker who was forced to tag along with him.

Stop it, Archie. She's a brat and you know it. You don't like brats.

Veronica didn't flinch from the sound, and remained seated on one of the lounge cushions and was currently staring down at her black manicured nails. "Kicking it won't help."She told him, groaning softly.

Archie knew that Veronica was right. Kicking would not help fix it, and from all the kicking he's already done to the vending machine, he thinks that he's caused more damage to it than actually fix it. Maybe something went bonkers when he kicked it, and it made the condition worse. Archie wouldn't know, though, because he never listened whenever they were discussing about machines in their classes.

He had no idea how the vending machine works.

"Why don't we just go back? Tell them that the vending machine isn't working."Veronica shrugged, grabbing her purse, ready to go. Archie sighed and took one last look at the vending machine, deciding that he didn't have enough skills to fix it. So much for trying to impress her.

What are you thinking, Archie? Get her out of your mind! She's a criminal, just like her father. And she's a brat, and she's totally a basket case to society. You don't like those kind of people!

Shaking hsi thoughts out of his head, Archie focused his thoughts more on the vending machine and the drinks that all the other students were counting on them to fetch. He wouldn't let them down, even if Jughead was one of those people. He knew very well how Jughead could get cranky without his food and drinks, and Archie wasn't in the mood to deal with a hungry, annoying Jughead.

"Well, we could use the vending machine at the teacher's lounge."He suggested, the answer to which is Veronica rolling her eyes.

"That's too far away!"The raven-haired girl whined in protest, which Archie replied to with an eye roll. Of course, what else should he expect from a spoiled brat?

"Everything is too far away for you."Archie complained, starting to make his way for the only other vending machine in the school, hands in his pockets. "Where do you think you're going?"Veronica asked, hoping that Archie wasn't going where she thinks he is. That means that she would have to follow him, because he will definitely need help carrying the drinks.

"To the vending machine at the teacher's lounge, where else would I go?"Archie replied, as if it was obvious, and it was. Veronica huffed at him, turning her head away from him, but Archie kept on walking. No New York brat can get between him and his milk.

"I'm going with or without you,."He called out. "But if Weatherbee finds you and starts assuming you're skipping detention, don't come crying to me that you'll have to spend another Saturday in this hellhole."

Veronica followed him to the teacher's lounge.


JUGHEAD CAUSED AS MUCH noise as he could as he ran around the halls of Riverdale High. He had banged on the lockers, stomped his foot on the floor, he even yelled the lyrics of a song. He did everything he could to get Weatherbee's attentions off of the other two people who were roaming the halls of the school, on their way back to the library.

He came to a stop once he entered the gymnasium, looking around to see that the floor was polished clean and that the basketballs where lined up by the bench. As a young boy, Jughead grew up playing basketball. He was still a good player, but he never really told anyone about it. not even Betty. He would play in the Southside with a few of his friends, but oftentimes he played alone, shooting hoops in the rain. If only he was confident about his skills in basketball and he wasn't from the Southside, he would've gotten himself into the basketball varsity team and had scored himself an athletic scholarship.

Jughead picked up a ball and dribbled it, his eyes locked on the hoop hovering above. He began to sprint to the line indicating half court, jumping slightly and scoring three points already, having taken the shot past the three-point line. He cheered for himself as he chased the ball, running back to the hoop once he got it in his hands.

He jumped up once he got to below the ring, dunking the ball straight into the hoop and hanging onto the rim, lifting himself up for a while as the ball bounced back on the floor. "Five points, in favor of Jughead Jones!"He whistled, not seeing the presence of a certain principal by the gym doors.

"What do you think you're doing, Mr. Jones?"Mr. Weatherbee asked, glaring at the boy, his tone angry. Jughead looked at him and planted his feet on the ground, going after the ball once again. He walked to the freethrow area, dribbling the ball in front of him, his eyes on the principal before turning his head back to the hoop, aiming the ball.

"I think I'm gonna try out for a scholarship."He honestly spoke, voice filled with intent as he threw the ball, and as he expected it to, the ball smoothly entered the hoop. Another point for him. But as great as Jughead is with his basketball skills, Mr. Weatherbee wasn't impressed.

"I've had enough of this, Jones."Mr. Weatherbee stormed to his direction, grabbing him by his jacket and dragging him out of the gym with him. "You will not be spending the rest of detention in the library anymore."He told him.

Jughead pushed his hand away from him roughly, glaring at the adult. "Get your hands off of me."He growled at Mr. Weatherbee, but instead of running away, he followed him.

Mr. Weatherbee took Jughead to the Blue & Gold room, shoving him inside. Jughead did his best not to stumble, looking at the principal with anger. "I'll sue you for physical assault, I swear to god!"He threatened Mr. Weatherbee, pointing his finger at him, but the principal only scoffed in reply.

"Stop making empty threats, Jones. We both know that as much as you want to, you can't sue me."

He locked Jughead inside the Blue & Gold editorial room.

The Sad Breakfast Club // BUGHEAD + VARCHIE + KEVINWhere stories live. Discover now