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"Why? 'Cause I'm telling the truth, that makes me a bïtch?"

~ Claire Standish, The Breakfast Club (1985)



"SO, WHAT DID YOU write there?"Betty asked, walking over to Kevin, picking up the essay paper he had written and read it. "It's not a thousand words, but it does say who we are."Kevin replied, rubbing the back of his neck with a soft chuckle. "That's what we are, right?"

"Let's see—the athlete, Archie. A basket case, Veronica. A brain, that's definitely Kevin. And a princess and a criminal, me and Jughead."Betty spoke, and everyone nodded their heads in agreement. "Well done."She flashed a smile at Kevin, handing the essay paper back to him. "Thank you, the thousand-world rule was really unnecessary."

"I prefer the term socialite better to describe myself, but now that I think about it, I guess I am a basket case. In some way."Veronica said, pursing her lips. "Why did you write for all of us? Is there a catch?"Archie asked, our eyes turned to Kevin. He was fiddling with his thumb, and took a deep breath. "There's no catch."He assured, and Jughead narrowed his eyes at him. "You sure?"

"I wrote it because I won't be able to figure out who I am without you guys."Kevin admitted with a sigh. "If I was writing only for myself I would've written only about how gay I was, but when I thought about writing for the five of us I thought that I was much more than the gay kid. I'm the brain of this group, no questions asked."

"Okay, you got the title. You can chill."Betty giggled softly, raising her hands in surrender. She was thankful that at least Kevin didn't write her as the perfect girl next door. She would've laughed at that.

"I'm guessing Weatherbee asked us to write this to make us seem like we're all different from one another. Yes, we may have gotten into different social groups in this school, in this town, but we're all the same. After everything I witnessed today, all the tears that were shed, the words exchanged, I concluded that we're all just as broken as sad as one another."Kevin explained, though Archie didn't quite understand it. "Hence, the title—"

"The Sad Breakfast Club."Betty finished for Kevin with a smile, and Kevin grinned, nodding his head. "The Sad Breakfsst Club indeed."

"But why breakfast?"Archie asked, brow furrowed in confusion. Jughead sighed and shook his head lightly, clicking his tongue. "It's a term that students from this one school use when referring to detention."Jughead explained, while Archie raised an eyebrow at him. "How do you know that?"

"How do you not know that?"

"Okay, boys, stop it before you two fight over something stupid again."Veronica spoke up, straightening her posture as she brushed her hands on her skirt. "So, we're a club now?"She asked.

Everyone was silent, though most of them were already all for it. Everyone except Archie, who was still afraid of going against the Bulldogs by now joining a made-up club with a Serpent. He chewed on his lip softly, waiting for someone to speak up.

"What's gonna happen on Monday?"Kevin asked, keeping his eyes to the ground. He knew that they have their own group of friends, and they'd probably just pass him by on the hallways. He wouldn't be surprised if only Betty and Jughead were the ones who stuck together all the time, considering how they looked like they couldn never get enough of each other. "Are we going to eat lunch together from then on, or are we just gonna nod at each other in the hallways?"

"You want the truth?"Archie asked, looking at Kevin with a look of sympathy. Kevin's heart sunk, and he felt sick to his stomach. I knew it, He thought to himself. "I don't think we'll be eating lunch together or nodding at each other in the hallways anytime soon."He said, and Veronica huffed.

"What the hell?"Veronica scolded Archie, slapping his arm while Kevin nodded his head subtly, tears starting to form in his eyes. "How could you say that?"She asked him.

"You're a piece of shït, Andrews."Jughead spat at him, fire in his eyes."You remember that—no matter what happens, you always find a way to be a douchebag. I can't believe I even forgave you!"

"Just because I'm telling the truth, that makes me a piece of shît?"Archie asked with a scoff, pointing at himself. "Watch your fúcking mouth, Jones."

"You're a piece of shît because you hurt Kevin's feelings. Now apologize before I snap your arm in half, dîckhead."

"Juggie, please."Betty sighed, looking up at her boyfriend, a pleading look in her eyes. Jughead met her gaze and instantly softened—he hated how he couldn't say no to Betty during times like this. He stepped back and folded his arms over his chest.

"We'd love to hang out with you, Kevin."Betty told him, smiling softly as Kevin wiped the tears from his eyes. Jughead nodded his head, agreeing with Betty. "Yeah, we'll eat lunch every single day and after school we could probably head somewhere and hang out, maybe at Pop's when we're free?"Jughead suggested, and Kevin smiled. "Sounds great."

"So you'll just drop your friends?"Archie asked Betty and Jughead, while Veronica shot him glares. "Archie, stop—"

"We didn't say we'd drop them."Jughead answered, his voice stern as he shot Archie a strong look. "We're saying we'll hang out with Kevin, and if he wants to, then we could let him come with us when we hang out with our friends. Kevin's our friend, and our friends would be dámn blessed to have him as their friend too."

"You don't even know what kind of friends Betty and I hang out with! They'd never allow this sad club bullshît!"Archie protested, and Betty huffed. "Don't you dare drag me into this, Archie! You don't know who my friends are, and I can certainly tell you that Ginger and her evil minions are not my friends! My friends are good, they're welcoming, unlike yours, apparently."

Archie remained silent, and hung his head low. Veronica turned to Kevin, smiling. "I'd love to hang out with you, too. I don't have much friends, just you guys."She said, reaching for Betty's hand. The two girls held hands tightly, smiling at each other.

"With or without you, Archie, the Sad Breakfast Club will be in full swing."Jughead said, tilting his head to look at Archie. He seemed to be thinking about it, debating whether or not he should give in. What would Reggie say?

"Fück what Reggie says."Jughead scoffed at him, rolling his eyes. "So, are you in, or not?"He asked, raising an eyebrow at the ginger-haired boy. "Please say yes, Archiekins."Veronica pleaded, holding onto his arm.

"We won't be complete without our Athlete."Archie sighed, seeing the twinkle in Veronica's eyes. He nodded his head, and Veronica grinned happily. "Well then,"Kevin smiled as well, looking around him. For the first time in his life, he actually had friends, and he had a feeling that for a long time he'll have them around.

"Welcome to the Sad Breakfast Club."

The Sad Breakfast Club // BUGHEAD + VARCHIE + KEVINWhere stories live. Discover now