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"Were you truly disgusted with what I did with my lipstick?"

~ Claire Standish, The Breakfast Club (1985)



ARCHIE HAD FALLEN ASLEEP, and if it weren't for Veronica's stilettos, he wouldn't have woken up for another hour. Veronica sat on the couch opposite him, and when he opened his eyes he also noticed that Kevin had gone out to the main area of the library to read.

"I know you probably hate my guts by now, and I completely understand if you do."Veronica spoke, trying her best to avoid Archie's gaze. "But please, hear me out."Archie nodded lazily in reply, sitting up on the couch and groaning slightly, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"I didn't mean it when I told you that I didn't want you to be friend."Veronica admitted with a soft sigh, finally meeting his gaze. "I also didn't mean it when I told you I hated you, because in all honesty, I don't. I know this is weird, and I know you don't feel the same about me, but I like you, Archie."She confessed. "I like you, for some weird reaosn that I haven't discovered yet. But I like you, and it scared me because I didn't know how to react to it os I pretended to hate you so much."

Archie was too stunned to speak—Veronica liked him, how could she like him? He just stared at her, searching her eyes for any hint that she was messing with him, but she was completely sincere. Her brown eyes twinkled, but was quickly starting to gleam with tears, and Archie leaned forward, unsure of what to do. "Veronica,"He trailed off, and she sniffed back a tear, but another one rolled quickly down her cheek.

"I knew you wouldn't feel the same way."She sobbed, standing up and straightening her skirt. "Let's just forget about this, and I'll move on before this even starts. It's easier that way."She started to walk out to where Kevin was, regaining her composure and wiping her tears away. Archie watched her, sadness in his eyes as he felt his heart ache.

Archie never said he didn't feel the same way.


THE LAST THING JUGHEAD expected was for the door to open so soon.

Wait, no, scratch that. The last thing he expected was for Betty to be the one to walk through the doors. Actually, no, it wasn't just that. The absolute last thing Jughead expected to see was for Betty to walk through those doors looking like a different version of herself—it was still her, but at the same time it wasn't. Maybe it was the flaming red lipstick that did the trick.

Neither said a word as Betty closed the door behind her, locking it and Jughead's breath hitched as his eyes shamelessly raked over Betty's body, noting the prominent changes in her appearance. Her make up was still minimal, but instead of her usual natural colors they were replaced with darker, bolder colors. The teal blouse she wore underneath her cardigan earlier in the day was still tucked into her skirt, but the first few buttons of it were left unbuttoned. He could sneak a peek of the pink lace bra she wore underneath, and Jughead ignored the growing tightness in his jeans.

"You lost, Juliet?"Jughead asked once he was sure he'd stopped shaking, keeping his hands as still as he could mansge on his sides. Betty pulled a key from the pocket of her skirt, dangling it in the air with a small smirk on her face. "I'm exactly where I want to be."

The Sad Breakfast Club // BUGHEAD + VARCHIE + KEVINWhere stories live. Discover now