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"Screws fall out all the time, the world is an imperfect place."

~ John Bender, The Breakfast Club (1985)



KEVIN WATCHED IN HORROR as the library door slammed shut.

"What the hell?"Kevin was the first to speak once the door had closed, the loud bang echoing through the hallways. "Open that door and put the screw back before Weatherbee comes back here!"He demanded, panic settling in his voice as he frantically moved around in his seat, his palms starting to get clammy. Jughead, on the other hand, looked at Kevin like he was an alien.

"It's Weatherbee, not the end of the world."Jughead shot back with a shrug of his shoulders, the overly-used nonchalant look present on his face. "Calm your tits, Preppy."

"Weatherbee is the end of the world!"Kevin groaned, his gaze kept on flickering to the closed door, which Mr. Weatherbee specifically instructed to keep open. He certainly wouldn't let Jughead get him in trouble, he couldn't risk another Saturday in detention after what his father had told him. "Open the door before he gives us all another Saturday of detention!"

"It's 2018, live a little!"Jughead replied, hearing loud footsteps just outside the door. A bead of sweat trailed down Kevin's temple as Jughead shifted on his seat, swinging his feet on top of the table. It didn't take long before the door flew open, an infuriated Weatherbee storming into the library.

If he was being honest, Mr. Weatherbee scared the masculinity right out of Kevin.

"Didn't I tell you that the door stays open?"Mr. Weatherbee's eyes were like a storm, and if looks could kill, all of them would've been dead right away. Kevin have always been intimidated of the principal's predatory look, which, surprisingly, didn't scare Jughead. Not even one bit.

"You did, sir."Archie replied, his gaze not quite meeting Mr. Weatherbee's glare. Kevin's eyes have wandered off somewhere in the room and lingered on anything but Mr. Weatherbee, not wanting to be tossed right into the hot seat.

"Then why is it closed?"He asked, searching their faces for an answer. Kevin put on a straight face immediately, but his conscience was eating him alive. But then, if he did rat out Jughead, then he could get in trouble too—sin of omission is just as bad as the sin of commission.

"It just closed, sir."Betty spoke, and just as Kevin glanced at Jughead, he saw his eyes widen. Obviously, Jughead didn't expect Betty to still cover for him, even after their fight. Betty kept her face straight ahead, though, looking at Mr. Weatherbee sincerely. However, despite Betty's statement, his glare moved to Jughead, and it actually looked like he had actual fire in his eyes.

"Give me the screw, Jones."Me. Weatherbee extended an arm out, his hand opened and his palm facing up. Jughead put on a fac eof disbelief, scrunching his eyebrows. "It's not with me, Mr. Weatherbee."He lied, and Mr. Weatherbee was not convonced at all. "Hand over the dâmn screw!"

"With all due respect, Mr. Weatherbee,"Betty spoke up once again, now with more determination than ever to keep Jughead out of trouble, and to cover for his...criminalities. "Screws fall out all the time, the world is an imperfect place."She told him.

Mr. Weatherbee's gaze snapped back to Betty, as if he wanted to give her another detention. And I bet he was about to, but then just as he opened his mouth and before the words came tumbling out of his lips, Archie Andrews, spoke as well.

"Jughead didn't move a muscle, Mr. Weatherbee. I had my eyes on him the whole time—he didn't take the screw."Archie said, looking at the principal in all seriousness, with a pleading look in his eyes. "And, with all due respect, screws do fall out all the time. Maybe it's time you check on the maintenance of the school instead of blaming everything on Jughead."

Mr. Weatherbee shot another glare at Jughead, who stared back in return, before he left the library. "Lunch will be in an hour!"He called out just before he turned to one of the hallways and disappeared. Jughead's eyes were still wide, filled with shock as he stared at the two people in front of him. Archie remained silent for a moment, and all the other students did the same.

"You didn't have to do that."Jughead told Archie, keeping his voice blank, clearing his throat as he desperately put up his tough exterior. Archie only nodded in response, poking the insides of his cheek with his tongue before opening his mouth to speak. "I know."He simply replied.

Jughead cocked an eyebrow at Archie's reply, leaning forward, suddenly interested in one of his former best friends. He rested his elbow on the table, placing his chin on top of his balled fist. "Then why'd you do it?"He muttered softly, as if he was afraid someone would hear him, but because of the silence in the room, everyone heard him loud and clear.

Why did Archie do it?


ARCHIE COULD'VE SNITCHED AND told Mr. Weatherbee that Jughead really did pull the screw out, but for some reason, he didn't. Maybe it was because he pitied Jughead, just a little bit. Though he may be a criminal, Archie realized that he was human, just like he was.

And he makes mistakes.

And being hated for it and made a target for anger, well, it won't make Jughead better. In fact, Archie was sure that Weatherbee's threats only egg him on, and then Jughead will get—half willingly, because it's what everyone expects him to do anyways so why not live up to it, right?—himself deeper into the snake pit.

Being degraded won't make Jughead's mistakes go away, much less solve them.

"Then why'd you do it?"Jughead asked, looking at him intently. Archie wasn't looking back at him, but he could feel his eyes on him, like he was still keeping his guards up in case I turn the tables on him. He could also feel Betty looking at him, as well as Kevin, and the other girl—what was her name again? Valerie? Oh, right, Veronica. Each of them waited for an answer.

Archie couldn't let his guard down. If Jughead broke his heart once, there's no saying that he wouldn't or couldn't do it again. Jughead broke his trust, and it might take more than a while to build it back up again. Jughead was still waiting for his answer, and everyone was as well.

Archie shrugged in response. He won't tell him why—at least, not in that moment.

"I don't know."

The Sad Breakfast Club // BUGHEAD + VARCHIE + KEVINWhere stories live. Discover now