'' okay forget that I said that, come on lets go down and prepare something for dinner ''


After Dinner

I went back to my room thinking what to do this friday night.

'' gosh still another 2 more nights after this one '' I murmured, engaging myself to the chair beside my window. I didn't know why I'm still so eager to move the day so fast even monday means NO MORE MATTY! but I can't help it I want to see her eventhough I'm actually a bit annoyed to her, she just didn't bother to message me
or call me after that day..

but why she'll do that? first you mean nothing to her, just classmates next she never asked you about your phone number so how come she'll contact you! - my other self told me

well right, sadly you're right!

but what will I do I miss her..

you do?? - my other me again

yes I do! I spoke calmly bringing my feet up on the chair hugging it.

'' you do what? '' I was a bit startled when Lucas come out of nowhere.

'' what are you thinking? '' he asked me bending his knees infront of me.

'' nothing I just feel so bored! '' I replied in a tedious manner.

bored is understatement, I feel empty inside.

'' why? eager to study and learn more? '' with no reason to tell I just shrugged my shoulder and look outside the window.

'' well maybe you need to do something. I know you're not a fan of music but try to hear something, ahm... I heard you're classmate with Adrienne, she's a good singer with a good choice of songs, just try it maybe it helps you to lighten up your mood '' after he told me that he stood up kissed my forehead and left.


'' yes! why I didn't thought of that! ''

because maybe you're brain was only focusing over your sadness that's why it didn't functioning well.- the other me for the nth time

just shut up now!!

then in one swift motion I was on my bed with my phone searching for Adrienne's songs then I found the other side (the music attached on top).

I put my earphone to my ears, clicked it open and started to listen, then listen to other more and listen back again R.I.P to the Replay Button.

Lucas was right her songs are quite good, it soothes to my ears and touches my heart making me to miss her less. I tried to listen to other more and think of her singing it for me until I was dozing off and was taken successfully by the dreamland.

The Next Day


'' Good morning Lucas '' I greeted when I saw him preparing the food for our picnic.

Cheating my Boyfriend with my Girlfriend (GxG story)  - COMPLETED  *UNEDITEDWhere stories live. Discover now